Chapter 1: Pilot

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"Just go inside already!" Harvey shoved Joe inside the house.

The three boys had been celebrating Max's birthday when Harvey thought it would be a good idea to sneak out in the middle of the night and break into the towns haunted house.

Joe walked further into the house, Harvey and Max followed behind. While Joe explored the nearly empty room, Harvey decided to give him a scare. He crept over to the iconic rocking chair in the middle of the room, then knocked it over.

Joe jumped as the rocking chair collapsed to the floor, glaring at Harvey.

"Your such a wuss man." He laughed.

"Im not a wuss." Joe shrugged him off, wondering around on the creaking floor, waving the dust out of his face.

"You jumped like 10 feet! Pretty sure that makes you a wuss."

"Will you two stop acting like children for once." Max rolled his eyes at the boys, slowly making his way across the floor, carefully avoiding the broken boards.

Joe however, was not so careful. He jumped around the place, trying not to step on the lines of the floor.

"Seriously Joe, thats exactly what my little sister- Joe watch where your going!"

The flooring gave way underneath him, sending the poor boy thundering to the ground. His chin painfully made contact with the floor.

"Joe are you okay?" Both boys said in unison, rushing over to help him.

"I'm fine." He tried to pull his leg out of the hole it had wedged itself into. "But my legs stuck."

Just as Harvey was about to put his plan to action, he heard a giggle. He turned back around to see Joe squirming while biting his bottom lip.

"Somthihing is tihicklihing my fohohot!" Joe laughed, desperately using his hands to pull himself out the hole. "Hehehelp mehehe!"

Harvey was to busy laughing at the strange sight to help.

After max had composed himself he kneeled down by Joe and pulled back the wooden boards to allow enough room to release his foot.

"Wait, how could something tickle you if you still have your shoes on?" Max looked down the hole, then looking back up at Joe. "Is there something in your shoe?"

Joe instantly pulled his shoe off but saw nothing but the odd stone had fallen in.

Harvey, who had finally stopped laughing made his way back, swinging his arm over the boys shoulder.

"It was probably just some bugs." He teased, poking Joe in the stomach. "You sounded like a girl."

Joe shoved him off, feeling a blush creep onto his face. He was just about to make a snarky remark when Harvey gave out a loud squeal before dramatically scrambling away, guarding his sides.

"What the heck was that." Max laughed.

"Now that sounded like a girl."

"Something touched my sides!" He exclaimed defensively, shielding his sides with his arms.

"Maybe it was the tickle ghosts." Joe teased, wiggling his fingers towards him, laughing as Harvey slapped his hands away.

"I'll give you something to laugh about." Harvey growled, pulling him down to the ground and straddling him.

"Don't you dare! Max! Get him off me!" Joe struggled, keeping a firm grip on Harvey's hands as they wiggled towards his stomach.

He gave out a loud shriek before falling into loud laughter. Everytime Joe lifted his arms up to defend himself, Harvey would dig into his ribs making him pull them back down instantly.

Feeling sorry for Joe, Max crept towards the boys then hugged Harvey from behind, pinning his arms before squeezing at his stomach.

Harvey instantly went balistic as one of his worst spots were tickled. He fell back into Max, thrashing around and dragging his heels on the floor as the booming laughter escaped.

Joe rolled out the way of his flying legs and admired the scene from a safer distance.


"This is what you get for picking on my brother!" He continued his ficious attack on the poor boys stomach with no mercy, which he soon regretted as Harvey's attempts to escape became more desperate.

Harvey struggled out of his strong hold and reached behind him, prodding his ribs.

"Ayehe" Max jumped back with a giggle.

"The moment I catch my breath, you're so dead." Harvey threatened.

Hope you liked it. Ima try update at least every two weeks but no promises. I do have a rough storyline planned but if yall want anything pacific feel free to leave a comment or message me.

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