Chapter 13.

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*Amelia comes and knocks on the door too the on-call room*

"Hi Carina and Arizona can i come in?" - Amelia.

"Yeah of course" - Arizona.

*Arizona unlocks the door*

"Hi Carina, y/n she's okay there is nothing wrong with her, she's only unconscious cause she hit her head and you just need to come sit with her and then tell me if she wakes up okay?" - Amelia.

"Oh thank god, of course i'll sit with her, Arizona can you come with me?" - Carina.

"Yeah of course i will, let's go" - Arizona.

*Arizona, Amelia and Carina go down to y/n's room*

"So we just wait now?" - Carina.

"Yeah that's the only thing we're able to do right now" - Arizona.

*Some hours later, Carina and Arizona fell asleep on the chairs, y/n wakes up and starts to cough* 

"Carina, Arizona.... whe......where am i?" - y/n.

"y/n...oh my god y/n you're awake, Carina wake up" - Arizona.

"What Ari...zona oh my god you're awake" - Carina.

"Ouch my head, what happened, where am i??" - y/n.

"You were with me at my place, then you wanted to sleep a bit while i took an shower and i walk in my bedroom finding you on the floor unconscious and then Arizona came over to help me get you to the hospital" - Carina.

"Wow, well can anyone get me some painkillers or something my head is killing me" - y/n.

"Yeah i can go find some" - Arizona.

*Arizona walks out to ask a nurse for painkillers and bumps into Amelia*

"Oh hi Amelia, y/n woke up i'm just getting her some painkillers cause her head hurts a lot" - Arizona.

"Oh good she's awake, i'll go with you back to her room" - Amelia.

*Amelia and Arizona walk back to y/n's room*

"Hi y/n, i'm Amelia, i'm a neurosurgeon and i have had you for a CT-scan and it was clear, nothings wrong with you, you just hit your head and we have sown the hole back together and i would recommend you to take up to 2 days of work, just to make sure your'e okay" - Amelia.

"Oh okay i guess that it's good but i just came here a few days ago and i actually haven't found a place yet" - y/n.

"Oh sweetheart it's okay, you can come stay with me" - Carina. 

"Thank you so much Carina" - y/n.

"Well i just need to do your discharge papers and you can go home with Carina and you Carina have to promise me to call if anythings wrong" - Amelia.

"Of course Amelia" - Carina.

*Amelia discharges y/n and y/n and Carina go back to Carina's place*

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