Chapter 7.

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*y/n, Arizona and Carina walk into Lexie's room*

*Carina holds Arizona's hand and y/n walks over to Lexie's and holds her hand*

"I could've never imagined being in this situation ever, but Lexie i just wanna tell you i love you and i will never forget you okay Lexie and i have too also say goodbye because we'll never see each other again cause you're gone, but what ever happens i will always love you" - y/n.

*y/n starts to cry while she kissed Lexie on the forehead and whispers goodbye*

"y/n come here" - Carina.

*y/n, Arizona and Carina have a group hug for a few minutes mourning Lexie*

"Are you okay y/n?" - Arizona.

"Yeah, well not exactly my twin sister just died, but i think i have said what i wanted to her and i think we should leave and give her peace" - y/n.

*y/n, Arizona and Carina leave the room*

"Well is anyone hungry?" - Arizona.

"Well kinda i haven't eaten since yesterday" - y/n.

"Oh, well let's go to the cafeteria" - Carina.

*y/n, Carina and Arizona go to the cafeteria, get food and sit down at a table*

"So y/n which specialty are you more interested in?" - Arizona.

"Well i'm thinking about fetal or ob/gyn, they seem the most interesting to me" - y/n.

"So you mostly wanna work with vaginas" - Carina.

"Yeah, the female anatomy is very interesting to me" - y/n.

*Carina get's paged*

"Oh shoot, i have to go, see you later?" - Carina.

"Bye, see you later" - y/n and Arizona.

*Carina runs to her page*

"So y/n any love interest lately" - Arizona.

"Well i would rather tell you somewhere more private" - y/n.

"Okay we can finish up here and maybe go to an on-call room to talk?" - Arizona.

"Yeah that would be nice, thank you" - y/n.

"Of course, i'm here if you need it" - Arizona.

*y/n and Arizona finish up and walk out to an on-call room*

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