Chapter 1

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A/n : um a bit of gay for ur lonely souls.
Imma try to update as often as possible but I gotta lot on my plate

The cropping on the photo is weird but it's how I picture Persephone and hades

TW: Underage drinking
Slight smut (just mentioned)


I hid in my room, if you could call it that. I would consider it more of a 6 dimensional being than a room but nevertheless it still hid me from the tyrant Hermes. Ok that's kinda rude considering he is my best friend on olympus but desperate times call for desperate measures. He wants me to join him and Dionysus drinking until blackout as a "family tradition" but the last few times I did that I can say I truly regret all of it. Demeter, my mother finds it UnHoLy, like I give a shit, well,, until she finds out, and I get grounded again for the 7th time that week.

It's not exactly allowed to indulge in human acts but it certainly doesn't stop the two currently looking for me. Hermes, as you may know, delivers messages and is constantly in contact with the human world. So he smuggles a ton of stuff and I am not complaining. Dionysus on the other hand is the god of wine, I'm sure you can figure out where I'm going with this. To say it nicely, we will literally never run out of the stuff.

I stare blankly at the wall in front of me and consider asking Hermes for some paints. It's been ages since i've been down from olympus. Something about my safety and about not being one of those gods that frolic around with the dirty humans. I personally would love to frolic with the humans and my mother should be careful what she says as I'm sure Zeus visits down there every other week. But here I am stuck in a blank beige and grey world.

Soon enough I hear silence. Odd. The two must have decided they were drinking alone and left the search to rest. I make my way out of the sinking hole I had started to think up and decided visiting aphrodite would help a bit.

Aphrodite quite literally glows. I'm not even joking. Aphrodite, or the goddess of love, isn't even truly female. More genderfluid if anything. They shape their form to look like the most beautiful person to anyone who looks. Of course it doesn't work for gods. She just looks how she has always looked. Well not that she isn't very beautiful... uh sorry. Well all things aside, they have always been there when I wanted someone to talk about the earth with. Aphrodite has had tons of lovers from the earth and spent years down there. I could only wish to have that.

I hear her giggling as I enter a garden of flowers. How fucking cleche can this get. Nevertheless I stepped into the garden and proceeded to look for her through the mazes of flowers. As I go around a bend of roses. (Yes roses). I find Aphrodite with her lipstick smudged and purple bruises up her neck.

Oh fuck.

It takes my brain a second to compute but before I can identify the arms circled around her I take off.

Maybe drinking with Hermès wouldn't be the worst idea.

I take a turn around a corner and finally breathe out. That's a bit embarrassing. It's not like that stuff doesn't happen around here but I wasn't familiar with it. My mother, like always, finds it too human. Like I don't know where I came from.

I decided to take myself up on the thought of drinking and leave to find Hermès. As I think back to Aphrodite I blush slightly knowing how open she is with this sorta thing. Although going on and on about someone's body is not a great conversation piece when one participant has no idea what any of it means.

I walk through rows of temple-like structures and the pillars rise high above me. The white is almost blinding in the sun.  Another thing that I miss from earth is weather. It's always sunny up here. I won't lie I do have quite the tan but it gets exhausting. I should consider having a conversation with Helios about leaving work a bit earlier.

I finally reach Hermès and Dionysus lounging in a colorful room. Blankets and Pillows of every color you can think of spread through the room. A few bottles of wine stacked in the middle. I notice only one bottle has been finished.

"I see I haven't missed much" I slowly say.

"Oh! How glad I am to see you. Finally decide to not sulk and come join us?" Hermès slurs. He always has been a lightweight, no matter how much we drink. I decide not to bear any details and pick up a glass.

"Cheers" I say before downing the entire thing. Dionysus watches and just laughs before downing his drink too. I see I'm not the only one who has had a bad week.

By the time we have drunk at least three bottles and exchanged a few drunken words I'm thoroughly out of it. My hazed mind goes back over the day and remembers how Aphrodite looked. Her hair had been combed through by someone's hands and lipstick slightly visible on her neck. Persephone thinks what it would be like to do that to someone. What it would be like to have them come undone and still look like the most beautiful thing in the world. She isn't jealous of that person with Aphrodite but she feels something. Aphrodite has always been a sorta parental figure to her and not exactly someone she would like but Persephone thinks of the village girls. How their torso twisted as they ran through the fields and the curves as they reached up and plucked ripe plums. It was never the guys, not even as they showed off their strength and heroism. She used to think it was just age but maybe... it becomes so apparent so fast that she almost doesn't catch it.

'Oh' she thinks.

Am I gay?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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