Chapter 11

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Olivia Denver's POV:

Oh no. I run out of the house and the door slams shut behind me. I turn back. "I can't hold him much longer, Olivia. Go," says Laura in a groaning voice.

I roll my eyes to see through the broken glasses of the door but all I see is just the sofa in the hall. "Is he hurting you, Laura?" I ask terrified but get no answer.

"Guys are you listening to this? Something is happening to Laura." To my greatest dismay, I get no answer from them either. The door gets wide open but I see no one. Fear captures me, I turn and run towards the cab.

The cabbie reads my frightened expression and ignites the engine. Something shakes his entire body. He turns the headlights on that blinds my eyes. I raise my elbows to hide from blinding light. Car comes roaring towards me.

I jump towards my right and my whole body stays in mid air when my toes get hit. I land flat on my face and get rolled two times. The car goes straight towards home and breaks the half glass door into pieces.

I stand up quickly, my knees hurt badly but I still run. Not knowing where to go I keep running towards the sun that has met the horizon. The light around me is very dim now. I dial my phone.

"Danny, C'mon pick up." I don't get an answer even for my fourth call. "Laura." Nothing comes from the earpiece either. Panting and sweating I keep running on the deserted road. My jeans stick around my knees as blood wets it.

I stop and look behind me but I see no sign of the cab. I turn back and walk slowly.

A cop's car passes by me. "HELP," I shout with all my strength left. The car stops a mile away. I keep running towards it but after a few steps my lung betrays me. I collapse to the ground.

Panting heavily I turn my head towards the car. I see the cop walking towards me. I take a sigh of relief. But a chill goes in my spine as his body jerks. He pulls his gun from his waistband and points at me. I close my eyes.

In a moment blood covers my whole face. But I don't feel any pain from the gun wound. "Am I dead?"

"No, Olivia." Comes a familiar voice in my ears.

I open my eyes to see Danny standing in front of the green vintage car. I stand up and wrap my arms around him. Tears roll down my cheeks. He hugs me tighter. "It's okay, Olivia. I'm here now."

Did he just call me Olivia? I grow my grip tighter on him. Tears keep trickling down my cheeks. "I love you, Danny."

"I love you too, Olivia." We stand frozen for a while. My eyes trail to the cop's blooded body crushed between two cars. He rubs his hand over my backhead. "Let's get out of here."

We step into the car and Danny ignites the engine. Car moves to and fro thus the blooded body hunched over car front slide down to the ground. Danny turns the car towards the road and speeds up.

"Where is that Creep?" I ask.

"His machine was malfunctioning. It couldn't locate the killer even after multiple searches. He's looking into it."

"That's the second big problem."

"What's the first?"

"Laura is missing."

He takes out his earpiece from pocket and puts it on. He yells her name a few times but doesn't get any answer just like me.

"The killer attacked her," I say sadly and he gets frightened too. We reach the creep's house in a while.

We step into a room filled with CPUs. Creep is glued to a computer screen. "We can't find Laura," I inform with a heavy heart.

He turns towards us. "Laura? Just give me a second." He types on his computer that loads up a map with a green dot. But the dot disappears. "Wait. That's not possible." He types furiously.

Danny puts a hand over his shoulder. "The killer attacked her," says Danny in a saddened voice. He keeps hitting the keyboard buttons. "Maybe she is-"

"Don't you dare, complete that sentence," he roars up, turning to Danny and then continues his typing. But the green dot doesn't come back up on screen, the map just changes from one place to another.

"Maybe she's out of your device's range." I say.

"You don't understand. This device connects NASA, JAXA, ESA, ISRO and every other space organisation's satellites. It picks up the live heat and energy signatures from the whole globe." He puts his hands over his face. "Just leave me alone for sometime."

Danny pats on his shoulder and we walk out of the room. Turning left around a devil's statue we step into a bedroom. We both get seated on bed. "She was so nice," I say in a dismal tone.

Danny nods and takes out a first aid box from a wooden almirah. I take off my jeans and he cleans my knee's wounds. He straps bandaids on it and I put on the jeans. "Laura was trying to save me."

He raises up from the floor and hugs me tightly. "I'm glad you're here, Olivia. I can't live without you."

I wrap my arms around him. "I can't either."

A knock goes on the door. He detaches himself from me and opens the door. Creep walks inside slowly. "I think you were right," he says, looking at the floor.

My heart stops beating. Tears start rolling down my cheeks. "She died trying to save me."

Are you alone? No. We're together. (Book 3) ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя