797 19 3

Pierre Gasly

"Oh shit I'm sorry" a voice said after bumping in to me. "It's okay" my eyes looked up and down on her body. She was gorgeous. "Um I will see you around"

I didn't recognize her. She looked a bit younger as well. This was a popular club, for sure, but not many people was allowed here, maybe she sneaked in.

"Mate you lost your chance, she was fucking hot" The British child, who nearly did not get in the club, said. He had a few to many drinks too. "I know but I don't recognize her from anywhere and she could've sneaked in" It would be wrong to flirt with someone who wasn't supposed to be there and who knows she might be under 18.

"Didn't max say this was the most secure club in town?" He indeed did. "Yeah, but people are crazy nowadays" last time we were out we saw a 15 year old smoking and it was not a vape or cigarettes.

This was the first time I was out with Lando actually. Both our flight got messed up, so we just decided to stay here until monday. Since this was Max hometown we texted him to get recommendations for clubs.

The time passed quickly and when I was about to get our beers, I saw that same girl again. With someone I recognized. Max's sister. I found Lando again talking to some way to touchy girl and 'saved' him. His words, not mine.

"No problem, that's Max sister right?" His eyes glanced towards the way I was nodding while sipping on his beer. "Yeah, oh! She's with the hot one. This is your chance Pierre" the grin on his face made it look like it was the best day of his life.

Long time since I had spoken to a girl but oh well. The child, nearly pushed me towards them until I made him trip.

"Oh hey Pierre!" Victoria rememberd me great, this is going to be easier, thank you! "Hi, and yeah this is Lando" my head slightly turning to my left watching Lando brushing of some dirt from the floor. "Hey sorry about that. Lando. Nice to meet you all" Always such a gentleman.

More voices and louder music filled the room, It all became a bit of a blur but i think her name was Anna? Hanna? Yes, right Hannah.

"Hey I think it's time to get going, Hannah?" I said and checked my sms to see that Lando already left."yeah?" We stod outside so we could talk without screaming. "Do you want to follow with me?" Her breathing was heavy and I could tell she was tired. "yeah sure. Can't say no to a cuddle buddy" her face held a small unsure expression. "I could call a taxi for you if you rather want that?" "No Pierre, I want to go with you"

The walk to the hotel was nice, we didn't say anything, just held each others hand. The streets were empty, just beautiful. "Here it is my lady" The hotel was big and my room was on the seventh floor. "You know your accent is kinda cute" her eyes gave me that look and her absolutely beautiful hair was living it's own life. Damn this girl is going to make me crazy.

"Thanks jolie, the elevator is this way". Ten meters later and we were in the hotel king sized bed. "You know you can call me 'jolie' whenever you like" she said with closed eyes. My king sized bed made it possible for me to not sleep on the sofa, which I was really greatfull for.

"Goodnight jolie"

"Goodnight niedlich boy"

Short chapter, sorry !!!!
(600 words)

Let's just say
"Niedlich boy"
Will enter the book in the future hihi

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