"I hope your travels here this early weren't too much of a hassle....Mother Miranda seems to requires of me later this morning."

She goes to sit on the dark green sofa and pours a cup of tea for herself. She brings the cup under her veil and sips the drink, then looks back up to Alcina.

"I just didn't want to forget returning your re-hemmed dresses I had finished....As you requested of me to fix."

Alcina smiles down at the shy woman, moving over to sit next to her. She places her holder down on table then leans back on the small couch and sighs softly. "No... It is quite alright, Donna dear. I understand. We all have busy schedules... especially with these upcoming weeks..."

Donna moves to pour Alcina a cup, and places it on a porcelain tea saucer.

She watches the quiet woman serve the tea, pouring a specific small milk pitcher filled with blood into the cup with care.

Donna has always made the mistress feel at ease when being in her presence. Her calming, patient aura was comfortable to be around, and she was easy to conversate with. Alcina always liked being around Donna when visiting her mansion, whether for business or just for a chat. She felt a trust between her and Donna. Especially with her and Angie being the only other female lords, besides Mother Miranda of course.

Donna was, in her mind, her favorite 'sibling' out of the rest of the lords.

She goes to grab the cup and saucer from Donna, passing it over to her.

"Thank you, dear."

Alcina always admired how hospitable Donna was with her guests. Lifting the cup to her lips, she takes a sip, humming at the warm sweet taste.

Donna stands up from where she sat, moving out from behind the coffee table.

"Your dresses are in the back... I'll go retrieve them for you now."

She moves patiently through the archway she first came, moving to another room.

Alcina sets her cup upon the table in front of her, and grabs her long pipe back up from the table, re-lighting it again.

As she waits for Donna, her dragging smoke off the pipe holder, she hears Angie walk into the living room. She looks to see her waddling and humming gleefully, with a plate bigger than her full of glazed sugar cookies.

"Hiya, Again!" she giggled walking to a lounge chair that is clearly much larger than her.

Alcina amusingly smirks with an eyebrow raised. The little doll places the plate on the arm of the chair and then scuttles her way up on to it. With a brief struggle to climb on up, she manages her way up and plops down into the chair.

Giggling triumphantly, she grabs back the plate, placing it in her lap and starts scarfing down a cookie. She grumbles happly with a high pitch tone while munching on her cookies, satisfied with yourself. Alcina chuckles a little at the doll's childish action.

Donna returns back to the room with Alcina's four large white dresses, all clean and hemmed in garment bags. She holds them up carefully, holding the bottoms from touching the floor.

"Well, here they ar-..."

She stops and looks down to Angie in the chair. Angie looks up to her and then to the cookies in her lap. She giggles nervously back up to Donna who, without even seeing her face, knows she is giving her the stink eye.

"Angie...You know those weren't made for you." she said gently but stern.

"BUT I WAS HUUNGRYYY, DOONNA~!!" Angie whines, pouting a bit.

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