Chapter Seven: The Reunion with Some Old Friends

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     You and Evan ran out of the dragon's lair and went to the floor that is near the bottom of the mountain because it's too impossible for both of you to slay him because there are so many fires in his lair. You both checked yourselves, and fortunately, you both didn't get hurt because you both hid under the places in his lair that weren't burnt by his fire breath. There were no burns on you, and there are no burns on Evan either. There aren't even any wounds that would've caused by the burning on the fire on both of you. This is a sign that you and Evan are safe from the fire breath of the dragon.

     "I think we're strong because we did an outstanding job of staying away from the fires that the dragon made will his breath to try to attack us." You said to Evan.

"What a relief because if we stayed near the dragon, we would've been dead." Evan said to, happily, after hearing those words of yours. 

"Because of this, we will keep attack the dragon in a Gothmoria because he tried to attack us, so many times, but he failed."

"I think attacking him in Gothmoria would be easy and hard at the same time, but I think we can do this. Right, y/n?"

"Uh, yes."

"This means that we stayed positive in the faces of certain battles. I made a song about being brave while I was eaten by a tree alongside the gnomes named Tee Winkle and Wee Tinkle who were also eating by a tree, and another one while I was arrested by the Florffs because I hit Fluffy the snowgre with a snowman which I called Mr. Chillberg, and then I was dragged to Florff court for doing so. This is what I like to call, staying positive in the faces of certain bad things."

"You've been on super tough journeys, haven't you?"

"Of course."

"Anyways, just in case the dragon comes out of his lair, we need to run away from the mountain, so we could talk your gnome friends that you interacted with about the journey, and somehow join them in. We would even make a song about that."

"That sounds like a great idea."

     You and Evan then ran away from the mountain where the dragon's lair was located.

Meanwhile in the Dragon's Lair

     The dragon is sitting on his bed in his firey lair thinking about killing everyone is Gothmoria. "Well, well, well," He said to the himself.  He then looks into the camera to tells the audience about what he's going to do outside of his lair. "If I wanted to destroy Gothmoria, then I will get out of my messy lair. That way I will stop the two little friends from fighting me, and it will be easier for me to have a battle between me, and all of Gothmoria, including a teenager and her little troll friend. Mwahahahaha!" This leads to him leaving his lair, and the mountain in where the lair was located.

Back in the Woods

     After walking away from the dragon's lair you and Evan slowed down by walking in the forest until you see Wee Tinkle and Tee Winkle. They are both female gnomes who are best friends who Evan met while they were all eaten by a talking tree until we made a song about this situation to makes the tree barf, and then all of them were free from the tree. They are now having a journey that is similar to what you and Evan are on. Wee Tinkle is a pink gnome a blue shirt, a red overall, orange hair and a red hat, and Tee Winkle is a tan gnome with a red shirt, a blue overall, brown hair and a blue hat. "Look, that's Wee Tinkle and Tee Winkle!" Evan said to you while pointing at the gnomes on your direction.

"Hello there, Evan!" Tee Winkle said to Evan.

"Hi there, Evan!" Wee Tinkle said to Evan.

"Hey Tee Winkle and Wee Tinkle!" Evan said to the gnomes. "Nice to see you again!"

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