Chapter Six: The Battle of The Dragon

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     "Mwuahahahaha! I am ready to end both of you to destroy Gothmoria!" The dragon said to both you and Evan. "You shall be destroyed!"

"Not so fast, Mr. Dragon, we are brave friends who will never die!" You said to the dragon.

"How about you will die so we could save Gothmoria!" Evan said to the dragon.

"So prepare to die as I will destroy you guys and all of Gothmoria." The dragon said. Then he roars with his dragon breath.

     Evan gets ready by holding the spell card and wand, reading the spell that is used to slay the dragon, and uses his magic. The magic for killing the dragon is blue magic that is shaped like an electric shock, so basically this magic is like a wizard's magic. Evan keeps zapping and zapping and zapping. The dragon did get hurt, but he isn't dead, yet. You joined in, but you forgot what the spell is.

"Hahahaha, you missed it!" The dragon yelled.

"This is because I have been stronger than I ever had before, with the magic!" Evan yelled back to the dragon.

"Evan, my magic isn't working." You said to Evan after using your wand.

     Evan comes to the rescue; he brings his spell card to help you how to use the magic so you can join Evan by attacking the dragon together.

     "What do you need help with?" Evan asked you.

"How do you use the magic?" You asked Evan because you need the magic to work.

Evan gives you the magic spell card that has the spell to attack the dragon. "Take this, and read the spell. I did it while using the magic." He said.

"Thank you Evan for helping me." You said.

     You then read the spell, and some how, the magic works. Then,  you joined Evan in and help attack the dragon.

"Ahh, it hurts!" The dragon yelled. "But I 'm still okay, so I will use my breath to end you all. Mwahahahahahahaha!" 

     The dragon is ready to use his breath. He huffs, and he inhales his breath, and exhales fire to to where you and Evan are at, but both of you hide to stay away from the firey breath from the dragon.

"Hey, get back here!" The dragon said.

     The dragon kept breathing fire while both you and Evan kept hiding, until both of you use your magic. As he breathes, his lair becomes hotter, and it looks like a place that a devil should live in. There are more fires in the floor and on the rocks, the lava pools became bigger, but somehow, both of you didn't get burnt by some hiding places that aren't burnt by his firey breath. The more you both use your magic, the more the dragon would get hurt. "Ahh, it's painful!" He screamed.

     You and Evan kept attacking the dragon with magic, and the dragon kept using his breath to burn both of you in his lair until both of you run away from his lair because it's too dangerous to slay the dragon when there are so many fires that he made with his dragon breath in his lair.

     "Ugh, they are so powerful." The dragon said to the audience. He then breaths the fourth wall by looking at the audience as if he were a play actor who is telling his thoughts to the audience. "Now they burned my beautiful home! I have an idea; what if i leave my lair so I could destroy all of Gothmoria, including the troll that gave my Garlic and his new friends. That would make me more powerful than the citizens and visitors of Gothmoria, and that would be a genius idea. Mwahahahahahahaha!"

Evan x Reader (The Barbarian and the Troll fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now