The Mario Convention

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Today was the day of Glitchcon, a convention that was basically comic con in the Mushroom Kingdom. Sir Topham Hatt even assigned some engines to help out. Mario and Luigi, who was cosplaying, also came to the convention.

Luigi: WOOOW! This convention is awesome! Look at this cool stuff!

Mario, being the idiot he is, was very tired and bored.

Mario: Can Mario go home now? My feet hurt and there are too many weirdos here...

Luigi: They're not weirdos Mario...they're in costume! It's called cosplaying!

Then a girl came to take pictures of his costume.

Luigi: Look! So am I!

Mario: I'm outta here...

Luigi: Wait, no! Don't leave Mario! Look at all these awesome booths!

There were a lot of booths. For example, there was a huge N64 "N."

Luigi: There's something for every kind of fan.

Mario: Do they have a spaghetti appreciation booth?

Luigi: You never know, Mario. They just might. C'mon, let's go out the Sci-Fi booth!

Luigi then began running towards Bowser's booth.

Mario: Urghhhhhh fine...

Mario then followed Luigi and they both arrived at the booth where Bowser was cosplaying as Darth Vader.

Bowser: Who dares enter my booth!?

Mario: Why are you dressed as a Pokemon, Bowser?

Bowser: What? I'm not a pokemon...

Mario and Luigi then started looking at stuff in the booth. Luigi picked up an action that looked like Yoda as the Hulk while Mario grabbed a mini Arwing and smart bomb from Star Fox.

Mario: What the hell is this junk?

He then kicked the bomb which knocked into someone else and exploded. Meanwhile, Luigi opened the door to a certain police box.

Luigi: Hey Mario look! A Tardis.

Mario: What'd you call me?

Luigi then entered the Tardis.

Luigi: Hehe, look at me! I'm the Doct-

But the Tardis then began to shake for no reason and disappeared into the unknown. Mario however, didn't even notice.

Mario: What the hell is that?

Mario was looking at a lightsaber from Star Wars. Mario then proceeds to play with it.

Bowser: Careful! That's a real lightsab-

But then Mario accidentally stabbed the weapon through Bowser's hand, causing the Koopa King immense pain. Mario merely laughed at him like jackass and left, just as the Tardis reappeared and Luigi crawled out. A few seconds later, Tari, a new character Mario met, cosplaying as Link, and Meggy walked in passing by Luigi.

Tari: OOOH LOOK AT THAT!!! OH OH! Isn't this amazing, Meggy?

Meggy then saw a Goomba and a Mole wearing Inkling and Octoling wigs respectively and was a little creeped out by them.

Meggy: This place is...uhhm...interesting.

Tari: Thanks for coming with me, Meggy! I'm too shy to come and cosplay alone.

Meggy: worries...Tari...I'm always up for new stuff.

At that point, Edward and Emily came over to them.

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