Mario and the Waluigi Apocalypse

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Right off the bat, there's a news report about the apocalypse.

News Mario: Breaking News! Absolute chaos has struck the Mushroom Kingdom and the Island of Sodor! Innocent civilians and engines are being turned into T-Pose Zombies!

The report then showed several T-Pose Zombies crowding the street.

News Mario: Hordes of zombies are seen flooding the streets and officials urge everyone to stay indoors!

The camera then showed Waluigi infecting people.

News Mario: Waluigi is on a rejection-fueled rampage. It's absolute chaos! We go live to Jeeves, who, for some reason, is reporting the situation.

It then cut to what appeared to be a fork with a face, glasses, and a suit.

Jeeves: Thank you, random news reporter guy. We believe we've found the source of Waluigi's power! A purple beam that is gigantic or as the kids call it "THICC." BUT FEAR NOT! These brave policemen handling the situation as we speak.

The "brave" policemen were just cowering behind police cars. Then a policeman walked up to Jeeves.

Jeeves: Why here's one now! Young man, how close are you brave soldiers to saving the day?

Police Mario: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!

And then he ran away screaming.

Jeeves: Well...This is quite the pickle...

All the policemen then started running away from the horde of zombies heading towards them.

Jeeves: Wait...there seems to be some sort of commotion.

Then Jeeves, and possibly the cameraman, were tackled by the zombies and infected. Then the broadcast went out.

Mario and James were holed up in Mario's home and were watching the broadcast.

Mario: Oh no...Luigi...What is Mario gonna do...? Everyone we know has T-Zombified...

James: I don't know...

Just then, they heard someone knock on the door, like someone was trying to get in.

Mario: Eep! Whats-a going on here?

Mario got out a frying pan while James got ready to run down anyone on the other side of that door. They approached the door slowly. The knocking became more aggressive. Mario then opened the door.

SMG4: Hey Mario and James, you-

Mario: Whaaa!

Then Mario wacked SMG4 in the face with the frying pan, screwing it up, while James rammed into Thomas.

SMG4: Stop! It's us SMG4 and Thomas!


Mario tried to whack SMG4 again, but SMG4 caught it before it could do anymore damage.

SMG4: Mario, enough!

Thomas: SMG4's right. We need to save our friends!

Mario: Mario wants to...but how? there are too many T-Pose zombies out there...and there is no cure!

SMG4 then looked the TV which was still broadcasting to Glitchcon.

SMG4: The thicc purple beam...I bet if we destroy whatever is causing it...everyone will go back to normal!

Mario: ...We can't though SMG4...there's too many T-Pose zombies...Not to mention Waluigi is probably protecting it!

SMG4: Don't worry Mario! I have a plan!

SMG4 Thomas and Friends: the Waluigi ArcUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum