(10) Unplanned date

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The next day I mysteriously had time off from the lab and the rangers had made plans to train on their own.

Before long Ryan rushed me out to my car to go explore the town.

"Let's go get dinner," he said, appearing at my bedroom door.

I giggled as he grabbed my hand, "Where would we go?"

"I don't know, let's go find somewhere."

"So this date is totally unplanned?" I asked.

"Yeah totally."

"You're weird," I giggled, I grabbed my keys and we exited the Aquabase. My Mazda Miata was parked in the parking garage at the on land headquarters for Lightspeed. It was put into storage while I lived full time on the aquabase last year.

It was right after sundown with only a hint of light peeking over the horizon. Summer was coming to an end soon, sooner or later I'd have to resign my year long contract with Lightspeed if I wanted to keep staying on the aquabase. At this point I don't know if I want to think about that decision or not.

"So where to?"

I unlocked the car so we could both slide in. The leather seats felt a little dusty from how long it had been sitting in the parking garage.

I thought about his question for a moment, I started the car and as I was pulling out the idea hit me.

"I think I know a place."

The park was like a ghost town when we got there. A light mist had settled from the sun going down making me shiver as I climbed out of the car.

"Here," Ryan said, he pulled his flannel off his shoulders before wrapping it around me.

"You didn't have to," I said.

He shrugged, "But I wanted to, not even that cold to me anyways."

I rolled my eyes, "Race you to the swing!"

Ryan jumped as I sprinted to the metal structure and jumped on.

He laughed as I swung my legs to push myself higher and higher.

He came up behind me and started pushing me to get me higher up, from the very top I could see past the trees that surrounded the park and even the oceanside where Lightspeed was located.

"Wait, look," Ryan said, I dragged my feet to slow myself down and he stepped in front of me. He grabbed the seat of the swing and twisted it, when it was as tight as it would go he let go. I laughed, feeling my braid slap into my face as I whipped around violently.

He grabbed the swing to keep it from twisting back the opposite way, making me land face to face with him. Our giggles and my wild breath was the only thing heard. Slowly our laughter died down. He pulled the braid back over my shoulder, still staring into my eyes.

He slowly leaned in, letting his lips barely touch mine until I pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. It didn't last long, even though I wanted it to, before we both pulled back and giggled.

"You know, when I first saw you after I came back I didn't recognize you."

I tilted my head.

"But, I knew it was you because your eyes hadn't changed, and you still had your hair in the same braid as when we were kids."

I laughed, that was true. I never liked doing anything too difficult with my hair.

"Is it your dad's old Mazda?" he asked.

I turned to look at the sports car parked nearby, "Yeah, the only good thing he left me other than the job reference at Lightspeed."

"You would've gotten it even without his work there, Nova," he said.

I nodded, "Did you ever think about leaving?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I don't know, going somewhere else I guess. Not being at Lightspeed."

He chuckled, "I think that unfortunately for us the decision was made a long time ago."

I nodded.

"Where would you go?"

I shrugged, "Don't know, just somewhere away from all the fighting and the uniforms and the..."

He tilted his head at my pause, he could tell I didn't know exactly where I was going with my words, "Away from the legacy your dad left behind?"

I nodded.

"He can never, ever, hurt you again," he promised, "We'll leave one day and never have to worry about demons or monsters again. I promise.'

I smiled, "We?"

He smiled, tilting his head down to try and hide the blush forming on his cheeks.

My com went off in my pocket, I pulled it out to see it was Chad asking where I was for his training. I stood up taking his hand in mine.

"Duty calls, wanna roll down the windows on the ride back?" I asked.

"Can we blast music?"

I laughed, "Have you even listened to any new music?"

"Well... no," he said.

I smiled, "Alright, pop music crash course on the way back."

"Sounds like a plan."


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and as always I hope y'all are safe and happy and may the power protect you!


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