First Kiss

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Life is full of taking risk right, I mean you only live once so why not live life to the fullest.

Siara was thinking about her talk with Sam in her room and about her actions and what the consequences would he if a certain first year found out.

As she was so deep in thought she didn't realise that Bella and Kalie walked in.

Kalie wanted to rant to her other bestfriend because she thought that Siara would understand since she also has a crush.

"Siara please tell Kalie that she is absolutely crazy" Bella exclaimed as she burst into her friends room with Kalie hot on her tail.

"I am not crazy, I'm love struck" Kalie argued with her bestfriend as they went back and forth not realizing that Siara is not even giving them a thought.

"What do you think" Bella asked, looking at the mind fairy to now realise she wasn't listening.

"Siara" Kalie shouted while snapping her fingers in front of the girls face but nothing happened "what is wrong with her".

"I did something that I might fully regret later" the mind fairy finally spoke to her friends and they stared at her in confusion.

"What did you do" they asked in sync glaring at each other playfully before looking at Siara.

"I... kissed" she mumbled not wanting to so say the words that will come back to haunt her.

"Oh my gawd please don't tell us you kissed" Bella gasped having a feeling she knows who the mind fairy kissed.

"Sam" Siara mumbled before digging her head in her pillow in full embarrassment.

While she was feeling embarrassed her friends didn't pity the girl all they did was squeal out as her first kiss was with the boy she has a crush on.

"You got your first kiss" the earth fairy squealed out before jumping on Siara's bed and hugging her, a few seconds later Bella joined them.

"I'm so happy for you, I mean I would have thought Riven would be the one to take it but Sam did~"

"I wish I was there to see it"

"You better fucking tell us all the details"



Siaraa was debating whether or not to tell Sam of her feelings for him. I mean she could tell her but the tiny voice in her head is telling her that Terra won't be to please to find out that she likes her brother.

"Did I do something that made you ignore me" Sam asked, worry lacing his voice as he looks at the girl he has feelings for.

Yeah that's right. Sam has feelings for Siara. Before they started talking, Sam would always watch Siara from a far bringing up the courage to talk to her but when he always would her friends or brother would drag her away before he could even go up to her.

Sam thought that it was just a little crush since he never actually talked to the girl, but when she actually uttered her first words to him, his heart beat fast, stomach full of butterflies and he had this blush on his face while looking at the girl.

And that's when he realized that what he thought was a little crush, turned out to be him liking Siara Silva.

So when Siara started ignoring him, he felt like he did something to scare her off or that she didn't like him at all and wanted to get to the bottom of the situation.

As Sam was still in thought so he didn't see Siara looking at him with a flushed face as she had made up her mind.

Siara was going to tell Sam how she feels.

"Look Siara if I did something wrong just tell-" "you didn't do anything wrong Sam" "then why the hell are you ignoring me"

"I'm friends with your sister Sam" Siara tells Sam and he looks at her weirdly not really seeing the problem.

"I know your her roommate"

"How do you think she will feel when she finds out that one of her friends likes her brother" Siara says calmly with a straight face while Sam has a big smile on his when, Siara looks at him with a raised brow wondering why he has a big smile before widening her eyes as she "that wasn't suppose to come out".

"You like me" Sam ask with a small smirk on his face. He may not be showing it but he is all happy in his head.

"Unless you have another brother then yes I like you" Siara said sarcastically while rolling her eyes, Sam shook his before smiling at her until confusion was written over his face.

"I don't understand, Terra was the reason you avoided me" Sam confusedly questioned to the fairy girl in front of him.

"I have to deal with all the thoughts that goes on in her head, all the negatives, the insecurities every single bad thing that she thinks about and it's hard" Siara can see the hurt in his eyes and she hears his thoughts which makes her feel guilty and does one thing she is never thought she would do.

Siara grabbed both of his cheeks in her grasp and softly planted her lips on Sam's leaving him shocked but quickly recovered and kissed her back.

Sam placed his hands on her hips, pulling her close to him as he melts into the kiss. Their lips moving perfectly in sync together, forgetting where they are.

*Flashback over*

"And then he asked if I want to be his girl friend" Siara finished explaining the details and Kalie and Bella squealed.

"Awe my girl got her first kiss taken by her now boyfriend" Bella gushed getting a pillow to the face by Siara in return and Kalie bust out laughing at her friends. Bella hit Siara with a pillow and that was the beginning of a pillow fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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