Lecture From Silva

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A morning person was not Selena as she was the last wake up while the rest of her dormates were. Not that she cared though.

Selena got up to hearing them tell Stella that the Burned one has her ring and that she will have a plan to get it back by the end of class.

After doing her daily routine she left the dorm and went to class to me her two friends that she has other than Sky and Riven.

When Selena got to her first class she sat next to her friend Kalie who was an earth fairy who was talking to her other friend Rosabella or Bella for short who is a water fairy.

"Good morning my lovely friend" Bella said to Selena who sat down and waved at her already tired of being up.

"What's wrong Sel" Kalie asked as they inspected the girls appearance, not liking what they see. Selena was wearing jeans and one thing you would never see Selena doing is wearing jeans.

"Can you believe the amount of drama my suite has already" she asked the girls as the shake their head and beckon her to continue "Stella gave a first year her ring because she was jealous that Sky was talking to her and then a Burned One sneaked over to the first world when she was coming back and attacked her, thank god I had the brains to get Ms. Dowling and she saved the girl but not only did she get attacked she lost Stella's ring and now the Burned One has it and who knows where the faculty has that thing" Selena filled them in on what has been happening.

"Damn girl all that happen in one day" Bella asked her and she nodded.

"And Stella has found some way to manipulate Sky into getting their relationship back up again" the girls rolled her eyes at that not surprised by that.

"Not joking I saw that coming sooner or later" Bella told the girls as they all agreed.

Class started and the girls did the work they were assigned. After an hour of work the bell rang dismissing the students to go to their next class.

"What class do you have Sel" Kalie asked Selena who was packing her bag.

"I have a free period so I'm going to go see Sky and Riven at the specialist training arena" Selena told her friends while she swings her bag over her shoulders.

"Okay well see you at lunch" Bella said to the girl and she vid them goodbye before moving to go see her idiotic brother.

When Selena got to her destination she found her brother and his friend watching two first years spar. She went up to them and stood next to her brother.

As Dane and another first year spar he was getting his ass royally kicked.

"Is it just me or does he seem distracted" Selena asked the boys and they both nodded. Riven looked over at the boys phone and saw he was getting messages from a certain earth fairy.

"Sweep the leg" Riven whispered to Dane and when he was going to the girl over powered him and knocked him to the ground and twisted his hand behind his back.

Sky sighed at his friend while Selena was laughing at the boy who just got his ass handed to him by a girl.

"Could you try being 50% less of a dick" Sky asked the boy and he laughed while Selena nodded her head agreeing with Sky. She could hardly care if he's a dick because he isn't to her so she doesn't care but he's 100% of a dick so could try to cut back on it.

"Well I'd be 50% less fun" Riven responded and both Selena and Sky rolled their eyes at his cockiness.

"Remember what a lost cause you were last year" Selena asked the boy who hit her on her head in response and Sky laughed remembering how terrible Riven was.

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