"...Well, he is actually B's bloodson." admitted Dick.

"What?! Batman has an actual son?" said Zatanna.

Batman having a son didn't seem possible in their eyes, lest of all one like that hence she added: "That doesn't explain why he's so, so deadly - I thought you Bat's don't kill, like us?"

"He... has unique circumstances and Batman only knew he had a son when his mother brought him to Gotham when he was like 10." Dick informed.

"Was his mom a psycho?"
It was out of Wally's mouth before the speedster could stop himself, but Aqualad and Artemis were already giving him a glare that made sure he shut up. From the side, both Dick and Tin noticed that Damian threw a glare and a shuriken at the speedster whom evaded just in the nick of time when Miss Martian warned him.

"Eh, y'know. The usual" said Tim to which Dick shrugged. It was true, Talia wasn't the greatest person anyone wanted to be around more than necessary, which was even less than Batman & Robin combined.
And she was Damian's mother, it made only sense that the kid had some issues.

Both protégés of Batman received lots of looks that seemed to portray the question 'the usual?' in varying emotions and concern. Except Raven who had seen Damian's past when she had healed him shortly after he'd joined the Titans and had a training accident involving Jaime.

"Well, we usually deal with-"
Tim was interrupted by Dick's input: "He didn't really have a childhood. You could say that it's similar to Artemis' situation."

Tim could tell that his brother was trying not to cause even more of an inquiry so he kept it vague, thus he decided to do the same starting now.
When said arrowette wanted to inquire over what he'd meant by that a metallic female voice cut her off, announcing:
[Training sequence ended.]

The younger Robin was walking up to them, Beast boy being dragged behind him via a wire and looking half-dead while mumbling something that suspiciously sounded like "monster" in a hoarse whisper...

Nightwing's mouth turned upwards at the edges; Beast boy didn't seem as roughed up as he had expected and the fact that his little brother hadn't abandoned the other where they'd fought spoke volumes that they were somewhat close. Tim could only pinched his nose at the sight.
For some reason he was reminded of Damian's numerous attempts to smuggle more animals into the cave.

That wouldn't-- no, couldn't be allowed.

"What are we even expected to be doing here anyway?" asked Robin, looking at Starfire and dropping Beast Boy with a thud. She wanted to speak but the proverbial timing of a bat interrupted her, the image of Batman lighting up on the training rooms screen.

Immediately the Robins and Nightwing stood at the ready, the rest following up a few seconds later; cause, you never keep The Batman waiting.

"You are to familiarize yourself with each other. It's very likely that your groups will have missions together in the near future so you should learn to cooperate.
For this goal you are to spend some activities with each other and get to know more about them. You can use the training room, the lounge, kitchen and free-activity area located a floor above you. If there is a problem Green Arrow and Shazam are available for you to contact."

His image then cut off, and the teams sighed in relief, sans the birds. Two had expected this and one was grunting. Robin then began walking ahead of the group, heading to the upper floor.

"Hm? Little D, wait for us!"

Dick followed after his younger brother as the rest followed the -technically- oldest who went after the youngest person, some questioning the nickname.

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