Tim-Tam and Mare-Bare

Start from the beginning

She made her way down to the lobby with a slight spring in her step to find it was empty. She had also asked the receptionist if she knew anything but it turned out they left 15 minutes ago. It was five past eight she still had ten minutes and she made sure that that was the time she was supposed to get up. They left her here in Gotham all alone, the city with the highest crime rate, alone.

Lucky Marinette knew where her class was going and her time spent with Tim in Gotham, she was fairly familiar with the streets of the city.  She looked at her phone, it was quarter past and the Wayne Enterprises tour didn't start until quarter too, so if she ran she would be able to make it. So that's what she did. She ran out the doors of the hotel they were staying at and kept running.
The bus had just dropped the class off and they were entering the Wayne building. Her class was extremely loud and they got many looks from employees, but they paid no attention as they were all over Lila. Then the tour guide Dick Grayson showed up with a smile on his face. He went over to talk to Miss Bustier just after doing a headcount. He counted fourteen students but he was sure there was meant to be fifteen. A  concerned look took over Dick's face. "Excuse me Miss Bustier, aren't there meant to be fifteen students in your class because I just did a headcount and there were only fourteen." A surprised look overtook the teacher's face and she turned to the students counting them, Dick was right there were only fourteen. Miss Bustier called out to the class, " Has anyone seen Marinette," no one answered. Dick looked at the teacher, how could she have left a student in the highest crime rated city in the world.
Marinette was so out of breath with every step she tooked, her legs were almost numb and she begged for water. She was almost there when the building was in her sight but how could it not be because it was one of the tallest buildings in the entire city. She was only a couple metres away when she crashed into someone making them both fall over. Marinette had to think for a second what happened before she looked up to see a teen her age right in front of her on the ground. "Oh my goodness,I'm so sorry, my class left me behind. I was running towards the building and I wasn't looking where I was going-" "Hey it's okay," He stood up offering a hand to Marinette. She took it  while standing in front of the shockingly handsome man before her. "You said you were going to the Wayne building, let me take you there, I'm going there anyway," "Thank you so much and I'm so sorry again." The man smiled at Marinette's rambling. They walked into the building together making small talk until a shout came from in front of them it was Alya. "Seriously Marinette, why would you get left behind just to gain attention, what is wrong with you!"
Tim was just about to enter the Wayne building when a petite young woman crashed into him. He was quite surprised she was able to knock him over. She started to ramble on about how she was sorry and how she got left behind by her class and all that. "Hey it's okay," Tim reassured the woman who looked his age. He offered to walk her in while they made small talk when they walked in the doors and suddenly another teenager with red hair started to yell at the woman who had knocked him over. He was a bit shocked at the outburst, but suddenly the name Marinette rang through his mind. He searched those memories of his best friend all those years ago, she had the same raven hair, the same french accent and everything just clicked. He turned to Marinette  looking at her intensely and whispered "Mare-Bare..."
Alya continued to scream in Marinette's face until the man she had knocked over said something she never could have imagined, "Mare-Bare..." She stood in shock. Only one person has ever called her that and it was her best friend from all those years ago. She turned her head towards him and Alya stopped screaming. She looked directly in his eyes. The same blue eyes that brought her happiness and the only sense of belonging in her life." Tim-Tam..." she said it only above a whisper. Her vision became only slightly blurry as her eyes began to tear up. She stared in shock for only a few moments until she brought her arms up to him and hugged him like a teddy bear. She started to cry as she latched onto the one person in her life who she loved the most. She felt his strong arms wrap around her and his head in the crook of her neck. The only reason she knew he was crying was because she could feel her shirt getting wet.
When she said "Tim-Tam.." his whole body froze. This was his best friend who he loved so very much. He searched her eyes for something he did not know, that was until she latched herself onto him and in return he did the same.He could hear her sobs while he cried silent tears as he put his head in the crook of her neck. He had never felt more happy in his entire life than this moment. If he could see his face right now it would have had the biggest smile stretched across his face. They didn't let go of each other in fear the other would disappear again. Until the girl who had yelled at Marinette spoke up, breaking the silence. "...Uh Marinette, who is this?." Marinette broke the hug but still holding onto him she simply answered, "Timmy." She smiled up at him, never breaking eye contact. Both their eyes were red but they still had the biggest smiles plastered on their faces. Dick broke the silence once again, "Tim how do you know her?" He looked into her loving eyes and then at Dick his brother and Tim replied, "She's my best friend." They stared at each other once again before hugging each other even tighter then before this time never letting go of the other. They both laughed at each other before Marinette spoke up."I've missed you so much Tim-Tam" "I've missed you too Mare-Bare."

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