Tim-Tam and Mare-Bare

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Timothy Drake-Wayne, CO-CEO of Wayne Enterprises  at the age of nineteen and adoptive son of one of the richest people in the world. He had all the riches and some very annoying brothers to go with it all, but he still felt so incomplete. Tim longed for his best friend whom he hasn't seen in nine long and lonely years.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng, daughter of some of the best bakers in Paris. Her company is flourishing and Mariette is known as one of the best upcoming designers to date. But even though life is going well for her she still felt like she was so incomplete. Mari longed for her best friend whom she hasn't seen in nine long and lonely years.
Marinette was in her last year of High School and she was dying to get out of that horrible place as soon as possible. A couple years prior Marinette Dupain-Cheng had many friends but when a narcissistic liar named Lila Rossi showed up life flipped upside down for the teen. The liar had made up all these stories about having so many famous connections and her almost impossible tales to go along with it but unfortunately for Marinette her classmates gobbled the lies up. She saw through the lies when nobody else did and she called Lila out for lying. But in the end Lila had claimed Marinette was bullying her and everyone believed her just like that. Her friends turned on her and she was alone.

So these days Marinette keeps her head low just trying to survive the last year at High School.
Tim's eyelids felt so heavy and his only source of energy was the coffee in his system. He hadn't slept for over thirty hours claiming he had so much work he didn't have time to sleep. He was in the office all the time, barely awake. He hadn't showered or changed his clothes for three days and Tim was suffering because he refused to take a break.
Marinette had just entered the classroom barely able to stay awake as she sat at the back of the class. Last night she had been working all night to finnish her commissions for her anonymous business as the next star designer MDC. She liked that no one knew who she was; it was easier that way. Her business was online so not many people knew who she was, besides her parents and honorary uncle: famous rockstar, Jagged Stone. He had commissioned MDC multiple times and that really helped her business grow.

Miss Bustier  had just entered the classroom clapping her hands for the class's attention. She had the biggest smile on her face so Marinette knew something was up. " Class since our fundraiser got us a lot more money than intended we are able to go somewhere else for our school trip coming up in a few weeks," Miss Bustier took a breath, "We're going to Gotham." The class roared in applause as Marinette's breath hitched. Gotham was where Tim lived, it was where she met her best friend. A feeling of excitement circulated throughout her entire body and a huge smile came across her face. She knew the possibilities of seeing Tim again were low but it was still a nice thought. Marinette's excitement quickly turned into annoyance as Lila started to claim this was her idea. " Woah Lila I can't believe you were able to set this up," she turned around to see Alya, her ex-friend just mesmerised in the liars web of lies.

Marinette scoffed, but unfortunately Lila heard. "Oh Marinette there's no need to be jealous," then Lila broke into her crocodile tears once again. Alya had turned around with anger written all over her face. "Now look at what you've done, you made her cry. Can you stop being such a bully to Lila," then the whole class in unison agreed. Marinette chose to ignore them and to continue sketching in her book for inspiration in her new designs. Ignoring her classmates did not come easy at first but she learned to deal with it the first couple of months. It wasn't fair but life generally wasn't either.
Soon enough Marinette was in Gotham in her lonely hotel room. Lila made sure she was alone but Marinette didn't mind too much.
Marinette woke up by the sound of her alarm on her phone. It was 7:30 so she still had 45 minutes before needing to head down to the lobby. She got dressed in a pair of denim ripped jeans and a long sleeve grey wooly jumper that she had tucked into her pants, she made a while back. She also had on a black belt with white Nike air forces she bought recently to tie the look together. Her raven hair was tied back into a low and loose bun while her purse rested around her shoulder.

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