Her Majesty....

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I miss her when she is coming ," he said as he finished reading the letter.

He removed his glasses which hung with the strap around his neck.

He was an old man with a smiling wrinkled face. He never dyed his hair saying, "She loved these white hair on me."

He pressed the letter against his lips and with lost eyes full of emotions he said,

"One of these nights, we were on a beach. I was lying with my eyes-open, spreading my arms and she was resting on my left hand," pointing at his left bicep.

"Haha! I was muscular then. We weren't dating but we loved being-around each other. We were best friends. We knew every bit of each other. Soulmates as they say.

She got up and sat for a moment folding her legs. I won't lie, we were drunk. She ran into the waves, and looked back at me. I felt something. Something very deep inside. With her right hand, she signalled me to come. I just smiled and let her go.

The way she laughed in water cupping water in her hands and brizzling drops in the air took over my laid-back moment and I wanted to join her.

We played in water, with water. I didn't want my T-shirt to get dirty, she had gifted it to me. She sprinkled the droplets on me, I brizzled them back on her and we laughed. I kept brizzling and she turned her face to protect herself. I held her from her back with my arms around her stomach and lifted her.

We were us, just us. Did not care about the existence of universe tomorrow, it was all about that night, that moment. I felt an urge to let my heart speak and whispered in her ears, I love you!

Laughter changed into awkwardness. I was afraid of it, I always knew I will ruin our friendship if I let my feelings to her. She went back to the place where we kept our sandals and sat down looking with her head down, looking at the sand with her fingers rounding into the sand.

I sat beside her and stared at her. I know I was being a creep. That night, gazing of stars, melancholy of waves, smiling moon or the frictional breeze, I felt none of them. I was lost. I noticed her eye-lashes, the tiny black spot on her cheek, her black earrings, tipped nose, she seemed more beautiful than ever.

She knew I was staring at her. Probably she was fine with it.

All of a sudden she held her sandals and got up. She wanted to leave. I joined her holding my shoes.

We walked in silence.

"Ohh! I think I forgot my anklet," she muttered in worry.

It was dear to her. She never took it off since her birthday when I gifted it to her.

I went back to the place we were sitting and she went towards the waves.

Do you know where did I find her anklet?

She made "L" of it in the "I love you too" which she wrote in the sand while I was gazing at her..

I dropped her back to her place, we didn't speak that night.

Next day, she sent me this letter...

I read it every night."

I was lost in his story. A tear made its way out from his left-eye. He wiped it with the letter and said, "Don't worry Son, everyday I write those words she wrote on her letter in a paper and keep it with me."

"Haha! No worries Papa! Thanks! We should add another ice-cube in our drinks. It melted," I said feeling lucky with a choked voice.

That was romantic. Isn't it?

RaghVi - One Shots Two Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें