2 Months Later...
                                                            Two  months have passed. I haven't talked to Vicky since then. I was also still avoiding Peter at every cost. Over time he accepted it, and started avoiding me too. Occasionally we would all sit together. Me, Ned, Mj and Peter. Only me and Peter didn't talk or even look at eachother.
I think over time we started hating each other. At least that's how I took it. It was also very awkward sitting next to him in homeroom, I tried switching seats but the teacher wasn't having it. Everytime Mj would ask why me and Peter didn't talk we would say nothing. Ned was also wondering but he didn't push the subject, which I'm thankful for. How could I explain why I didn't want to talk to him?. Me and Mj became closer. I would gladly say she was my best friend. In many ways she reminded me of Vicky, only Mj is more laid back. Ned was also really cool too, I don't hang out with him outside of school because he's always with Peter.

Waking up in the morning was a bitch. The sun shined so bright I had to cover my eyes.
Two months have passed and I can't get over the fact of waking up for school. For the past week i've been trying to see if Peter was hiding anything. But also making sure I don't go anywhere near him, he was after all in the simulation my father created for me. How the hell do I know if he's working for hydra or not.
I screamed in my pillow letting out all the frustration, this is bullshit.
"y/n go to school!" I heard Strange say.
"Yea, yeah I'm going"
After changing into my clothes I brushed my teeth and hair, grabbed my backpack then teleported into the same alleyway I took when I first went to school.
Walking into the school I go to my locker to open it.
"Why do we even have lockers?" I whisper.
MJ then stepped beside me, "What was yesterday about?"
Yesterday Mj caught me sneaking out of class. What she didn't know was that I was trying to avoid Peter. Everytime class had to work with desk partners I always came up with some excuse.
Turning to her I shrugged. "I don't know, I just had to go."
She rolled her eyes, "Fine, lie. But you'll tell me sooner or later."
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. "Good luck with that." I tease.
"Anyway, what class do you have." I ask her.
"Same ones as you."
Looking at her shocked, I smiled surprised. "Dope."
"I know right."
We always joke around, it was a way of making the time pass.
Laughing in the hallway, we both see Flash walking towards us. Flash and I always butted heads, he kept trying to flirt with me, only a few times I called him out for it. But he kept coming back. This kid was really getting on my nerves.
Both of us and tried our best to avoid him, but he just blocked me from walking anywhere else
Mj tried to come to my rescue but one of Flash's friends pulled her back.
We both held confused looks.
"What the hell do you want." I ask, angry.
He doesn't answer, he just places his hands around my waist. His warm hands against my skin made me want to blast him across this room and smack that smirk off his face.
I can see Mj from the side of my eye, she was trying to get out of the guy's grasp.
"Flash" I say gritting my teeth.
"What?" He asks, still smirking.
"If you don't take your hands off me, you don't have any hands."
"Is that a threat." He asks now angry.
I pushed myself closer to him.
"More like a warning" I say before shoving my knee in his *Hopefully you know, because i'm not writing that*
"Bitch" He says on the floor.
"And?" I ask him, now turning back to mj I can see the smirk on her face. She too was out of the grasp of the other guys.
"Now you two run along before I do something far worse." And oh I will. One year couldn't hold me back from hurting anyone.
"Come on" I say to mj.
Nodding, we both walked to class.
The teacher glared at the sight of us once we walked in the class. "Why are you guys late."
Both me and mj shared a glance, clearly hesitating whether we should tell her or not.
But I just shook my head slightly.
"We just got here later"
"Sit." was all she said.
I turned to the class walking miserably to my desk where Peter sat. He didn't look thrilled about it either.
Pathetic ass.
Today I didn't really plan to listen to the lecture.
So instead I turned her out and doodled on my homework.
Ten minutes of class passed and I had already finished doodling half of the back of my homework.
I heard a voice say, but I decided to ignore it.
It said again. Still I didn't look...that was until I felt a light shake from my side,
Shooting my head up I saw it was Peter who shook me lightly.
"What?" I glared.
"The-uh-the teacher." He said looking across the room.
Annoyed, I turned to see a very angry teacher staring into my soul.
"Ms.y/l/n. Come with me."
"Detention" She spat. I already could tell we weren't going to hit it off.
Slamming my hand on the table I got up.
I could see Mj stare from the front of the class.
"I dont know." I mouthed.
Both me and the bitchy teacher walked to the principal's office where Flash was peacefully seated in one of the chairs.
"Sit down," the Principal said motioning to the chair next to Flash.
Disgusted I moved the chair as far as it would go, until I hit the wall.
"Is that really necessary." The principal asked me.
"If you want me to throw up, then i'll gladly sit with him. Your choice." I smiled sweetly.
Shaking his head disappointingly he lectured on school policies, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse and many other ones that I don't want to get into. It felt like an hour before he told me the reason why we were here.
"It has come to my attention that you verbally and physically harassed Flash" he said staring directly at me.
My jaw dropped and it took me everything in my power not to strangle them.
I explained my side of the story, and how he was the one who pushed me against the locker and that I was obviously protecting myself from that creep. But he didn't buy it, probably because Flash was the first one to come.
"He's lying!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry, but you're going to have detention for the next two weeks."
"What!" I screamed. "You idiot!. How the hell did you even get this job! You clearly don't know how to do it." I spat.
He stood up too, now we both were at the same level. "Watch your mouth, and that's three weeks for insulting your principal."
I could hear Flashes chuckles from behind me.
"Fine" I grumble.
I walked out of the office and headed straight to lunch. I spent three hours in that office.
Angrily stomping my way to Mj who looked at me wearily, I finally sat with her.
Peter and Ned sat with her too, but I couldn't give less of a shit.
"What happened." She asks.
"Flash, that's what happened." I said shaking with anger, all of them looked uncomfortable at me. "After what happened this morning he decided to tell the principal that I harassed him. That liar."
"What the hell!" mj exclaimed. "It was him!" She said. "And why did I drag him into this mess."
"I just told my story, we both didn't say anything about you or the others" I say talking about flash.
"What happened this morning" I heard the boys say in union.
Both me and mj looked at the shocked boys.
"Nevermind that, I'm leaving."
"Wait-where are you going.?" They all asked.
Peter seemed to forget about the fact that we haven't really spoken to each other in months.
I looked at all of them reluctantly but decided it would be best not to tell them.
So I lied. "I'm just going to get this over with."
They all exchanged confused looks, deciding to ignore all of them I headed to the room which I only assumed was detention.
Slowly opening the door, the teacher was on his phone playing a game.
"Just sit anywhere." He says never lifting his face from his phone. He's our P.E teacher. He's pretty chill, I just didn't realise he was also looking over detention.
Having a plan in mind I evilly walked over to one of the chairs I held a rock in my palm that I managed to pick up outside before walking in.
Carefully making sure everyone could see me, I stood up and chucked the rock straight through the window. It shattered completely.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" the teacher yelled at me. All the students were stunned about what had just happened.
"It's just, pure mindless vandalism."
"Are you mentally deficient?" someone asks behind me.
"If I was mentally deficient, I wouldn't have missed"
"Go to the principal's office!" The teacher yelled at me. "Gladely"
Before stepping out the door I flipped all of them off.
Instead of heading to the principal's office I walked over the fire alarm and smiled.
"Oh how I missed you y/n" I say to myself.
Turning around all three of them stood there. A worried mj, A shocked Ned and a weary Peter.
But not only did I see them, over their shoulder there she stood.
Vicky looked at me with a disappointed look.
How the hell was she able to do that?.
It's been two months!? I can't be imagining this.
I just walked over to my locker and shoved all of my stuff into it, along with my phone so no one could track me.
I could hear all three of them saying something to me but I couldn't hear them, I didn't want to.
All I needed was to do something.
"y/n we're your friends" I heard one of them say.
"You can't be my friends!" *They all stood there sad at y'n's remark* "You have only known me for two months!." I yelled one last time. "You don't know me at all, what my life was like before this, I shouldn't have involved you in this."
I ran to the fire alarm and pulled it down, making all the alarms come off and very worried teachers and students ran out of the classroom blocking my view of Ned, Mj, and Peter.
I ran the other way now that there was a distraction, and went to the only place where I remember.

The park I took Prince to was the only place I could think of.
As tempting as it was to teleport Prince here so he could comfort me, I fought the urge because I couldn't let my anger out on him.
Shoving my hands in my pockets I sighed. I had already explained to the principal that it wasnt me, and that flash was the one who should be blamed. But of course he denied it and I got blamed for it.
Something like this makes me make rash decisions. I've always had violent tendencies, that's the only thing Mj didn't know about me. I couldn't have two friends already in two months, it wouldn't be fair to them. I can't have them in my life, I'm dangerous.
"Then why did you do it." She asked sadly.
"Because I know nothing else Vicky," I answered, not surprised at all that she was here.
"You've had a year to practice."
"What makes you think one year is going to take all the memories away. Of me!, of you, David, dad, hydra" I whispered the last part.
"It wouldn't have, but you could have resisted."
"What do you know?" I mumble. "You're dead" I say the last part with sourness.
"And yet you're still talking to me."
"Yeah, explain that to me. Because for all I know you could just be my subconscious self."
"I guess you wouldn't know."
"Why the hell did you do it" referring to the night she died.
"Because you needed to live."
"You deserved to live much more than I needed too." I cried.
"And you would have messed it all up if it weren't for that spiderman."
I stopped crying.
"You know?"
"What? That you almost comited suicide, yes I do."
"I did, but he ruined it all."
"I wouldn't say he ruined anything. If you were to have died you wouldn't have met Doctor Strange and Wong."
But I would be at peace. I say in my mind knowing she could hear me.
"You could be at peace here. Instead you decided to be careless with your life!. You're denying my sacrifice for your ignorant ass."
Her anger radiated in my mind. I could feel the hurt in her.
"Okay when are you going to stop suggesting that I'm suicidal now?"
"When you start acting like somebody that wants to be alive"
"I'm not suicidal and if you think that, you're wrong."
"What happened last year when you fell off the building?" she scolds.
"I almost died, you think I did that for tricks" I could hear the sarcasm in my voice.
"You're careless with your life, you're not slitting your wrist but you're careless, probably because your dad told you, you were a waste of space on this planet" I recalled the memory "The problem is" she huffs "You believed him, and if you don't watch out of theses days you're going to die because of it" when she finished I could sense that she was gone, leaving me alone.

How was it!?
Idk, but leave comments! It would be fun talking with all of you!.
I'll be posting regularly now, so if that interests you. I doubt anyone reads this to be honest, but I enjoy posting so there you have it.
Much love your marvel loving geek🥰.

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