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"I hate you!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

"And I fucking love you, okay!? I don't know how but I do! More than the world! Please, don't do it!" He yelled with tears pouring down his face.

"I-I have to..." I stared at the gun in my head pointed to my stomach.

"Dominique, I'll do it! Just don't do this to yourself!" He walked closer to me still sobbing.

I had to do this. Everything was my fault.

I fell in love with someone that I wasn't supposed to fall in love with.

I fell in love with the one and only, Alex Carter.

I made a promise to myself to never let him get to me, but I couldn't help myself, could I?

Now I'm here, with a gun in my hands pointed towards my body.

I don't deserve him. Everything he's done for me and now I've screwed everything up.

It's better if we just hadn't met at all.

All it gave were more confusing feelings.

Everytime I was around him, I felt nothing but happiness. After ten years of being together, he still made me feel like the only girl in the world.

But I don't deserve it. I don't deserve HIM. It would kill me to see him get killed, so why don't I do it first to save myself from the worst?

"I love you, Alex. I love you so fucking much."


"Dominique Carter!"

I shook from my sleep only to look up at an angry teacher.

"School is for an education, it's not a sleeping camp! Either you wake up because if you sleep again, you're getting out of school suspension." She warned.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, ignoring the laughs from girls.

A few moments later and Alex walks in the class and of course, sits beside me, attracting everyone's eyes and whisperings filled gossip.

"Hey, wifey."

"Would you shut it?" I mumbled, not looking at him and continuing to write on my paper.

"How was your morning?"

Don't respond, Dom.

"I said, how was your morning?"


"You're just gonna ignore me?" I could see him raise his eyebrows in the corner of my eye.

No reply.

"That dumb bitch. I still can't understand how she bagged someone who's a whole one thousand out of ten and she's a hard five." A girl giggled with her friends.

Bad Boy, Bad GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant