Smallwhiskers frowned. "Finfeather? But aren't you deputy? Has Rainsweptstar replaced you as deputy, Otterstream?" Her tone was confused, and Icefog glanced at her before looking back at Otterstream.

"Rainsweptstar joined StarClan earlier this morning," Otterstream meowed, his eyes flashed with sorrow as he let out a sigh. "I got back from the Moon Flower not long ago and couldn't bear sleeping in Rainsweptstar's old den, so I went around the territory."

Icefog dipped his head to the new HollyClan leader, sympathy for the tom growing in his chest. "I'm sorry for your loss, Otterstar." He meowed, meaning every word. "Rainsweptstar was a fantastic leader, and StarClan will honor her in their hunting grounds."

Smallwhiskers took a step toward the border, her eyes gentle. Before Icefog could stop her, she crossed into HollyClan's territory and touched her nose to Otterstar's cheek. "If there's anything I can do to help you, let me know, okay?" She mewed to the patched tom, who closed his eyes and nodded. "I'm so sorry, Otterstar." Turning away from the HollyClan leader, she padded back over the border and returned to Icefog's side.

Clearing his throat, Icefog dipped his head to Otterstar, who returned the gesture. "May StarClan light your path, Otterstar." He meowed, but there was no conviction in his voice as he turned to Wolfpaw and Hootpaw, who were gawking at Otterstar. "Let's go home." He turned his back on Otterstar and began to head back the way they came, but he paused as Hootpaw and Wolfpaw went ahead and looked over his shoulder at Smallwhiskers, who was still at the border and sharing a few quiet words with Otterstar. "Smallwhiskers? You coming?"

Smallwhiskers looked over her shoulder at him before nodding. "Coming, Icefog." She turned back to Otterstar and said something Icefog couldn't catch before she padded after Icefog. "Say nothing and let's go." She meowed quietly as she went by and followed the two apprentices.

"How long have you and Otterstar been a thing?" Icefog asked under his breath, catching up with Smallwhiskers as she padded behind the apprentices. "Don't lie to me, Smallwhiskers, I can tell you were a thing."

Smallwhiskers glared at Icefog. "Curious apprentices get their noses bitten," she growled and narrowed her eyes.

Indignation flashed through Icefog as he retorted hotly. "I'm not an apprentice anymore!"

"You may as well be!" Smallwhiskers flashed back at him, her eyes burning into his. "You were never here when you were an apprentice. You never trained, you never patrolled, never hunted, never cared for any cat other than yourself and those miserable twoleg place cats!" Her anger startled Icefog and his ears drew back as he lifted his chin. The small she-cat stopped walking and blocked his path, her teeth bared and eyes ablaze. Behind her, Wolfpaw and Hootpaw overheard and stopped, looking at them with confusion in their eyes. "Those cats have nothing to do with your Clan or your family!"

Icefog felt his tail bush out as his neck fur began to bristle. How dare Smallwhiskers talk about his friends that way? He may not have seen them recently, but he still liked the alley cats! "They're the only family I have left!" Icefog hissed, his back arching as his claws slid out. Fury sparked in Smallwhiskers' eyes and she lashed her fluffy tail.

"You have a family, you mousebrain! You just run off to some group of rogues and exiles instead of getting to know your fur and blood!" Smallwhiskers shook her head at him, scoffing. "No wonder Slateblaze blamed you for Pebblepaw's death, you've never cared about your family who tried to get to know you!" Icefog stiffened as she mentioned Pebblepaw, and he glared at the she-cat. "Honeyblaze and Lionjaw at least attempted to befriend you as kits, and Goldenpoppy tried her hardest to mentor you! What did you do? You ran off with rogues and exiled cats!"

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