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Nayeon's night at Tzuyu's was spent sleeping in a futon at the end of her bed. It was so warm and comfy that she must have fallen asleep immediately. It had been so long since she had slept so comfortably... she couldn't even remember the last time she had used a pillow.

In summary, it must have been the best sleep of her life. No bad dreams. No stirring in the night trying to fix the carboard box she was lying on. No shivering. She couldn't even recall closing her eyes.

She had been woken up at 8am by Tzuyu with a light tap on the shoulder.

"Nayeon." Her face was set in a neutral expression, but Nayeon sensed something was urgent. "I'm sorry to wake you this early... I know you haven't slept in for a while... but my parents... we need to go."

The tone of her voice reminded her of her father's stern face from the day before. Even though Nayeon hadn't understood a word he had spoken, it had been very clear she wasn't really welcome here. In a way, it made her even more grateful that Tzuyu had insisted she stayed despite it.

"You can borrow some of my clothes... I washed the ones you were wearing when you came." She stood.

Nayeon felt a little shell shocked, and she was unable to move from her sitting position.

"I packed one of my spare bags with a few more changes of clothes and some protein bars... and a bottle of water too. Your guitar is safe outside still, so don't worry about that too much."

Nayeon finally managed to stand, her mouth agape.

"Tzuyu... you didn't have to do any of that... me getting to stay here for the night was already too much... I don't... I'm not sure I can accept all this..."

Tzuyu seemed like she wasn't listening. She walked to the other side of her bed and picked up a large brown backpack.

"It's all in here. And it's not too heavy... I think... I think it's okay..."

"Tzuyu... this..." Nayeon felt a little like crying... she was so touched by all this help she was receiving so suddenly. After staying on her own and avoiding assistance for most of her time on the streets... this was very overwhelming.

"Oh. I also called your friend Jeongyeon and told her to pick you up to take her back to her house. I hope that's not a bother."

"WHAT?! I mean... why? You called Jeongyeon?"

Nayeon's thankfulness had washed away in an instant. Knowing Jeongyeon was now on her case was the worst thing that could have happened to her. Jeongyeon was like an overprotective mother... she would never be able to escape her clutches once she was in them. She would be doomed into dependency... And she hated depending on people so harshly. Especially people who had done so much for her already. People like Jeongyeon.

"I knew you wouldn't like it." Tzuyu chuckled. "But you really just need to take this shove into your stride. Go with Jeongyeon – I'll be driving you to her house in a few minutes – and you'll finally have a proper chance to get back on your own two feet."

She held out the bag in one hand and a pair of folded clothes – Nayeon's for the day – in the other. She smiled, her dimples appearing ever so slightly and cute little lines under her eyes formed.

"Don't think of all this as a step toward dependency... but instead a step toward independence."

Nayeon's hands were shaking as she took both items from Tzuyu's outstretched hands. Their fingers brushed lightly.

How does she know what I'm thinking? How does she know?

Tzuyu smiled again, lips pressed together.

Nayeon could see her small frame reflected in Tzuyu's eyes. Her tired arms awkwardly holding the bag in the left hand and the clothes in the right. Her mouth agape and her eyes teary.

It was becoming almost impossible to deny now.

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