Wait, did you say Deku? (chap 4)

ابدأ من البداية

It worked. He walked across the market all the way to the store and not a single cop took a second glance. With the voice changer making his voice deeper; it worked wonders in making him seem like an older teen. He entered the store and looked around for the machines he needed.

He wanted to do proper testing on what he found, maybe if he analyzed it enough he could find out how to reverse it. Make a cure, or a way to be immune. After all if these could be used as a bullet for example, he needed to make sure he wasn't dying. He found what he needed and quickly purchased it in full cash. It got second looks, but he simply squinted his eyes as if he was smiling underneath the mask. 

The person at the register smiled back and handed him his change. He got the giant cloth bag and put what he purchased inside. He quickly left the store. He didn't need to be there more than necessary. He walked past a small pharmacy on his way. He sighed to himself before entering and buying as many bandages, wraps, disinfectants, and overall medical supplies possible. 

He put them in the same bag and hurried back home. He set the medical supplies down and started to set up the machinery. The larger equipment would be shipped to another address, he wasn't taking any chances. Going to another apartment he started setting everything up. The whole building was abandoned, so he was free to use as much of it as needed. 

By night time he already had finished and was getting ready to go out as Salvare. He kept his useful disguise in a chest in his main room. If he needed to go out again all of his disguises would be in there. Clothes, wigs, contacts, of all kinds were in there. Even female clothes and wigs, which he has used before. (a story for another day)

He quietly left and started his patrol, not forgetting the box of goodies he set up for Eraser and the police. The main place where he lived was on the floor second to the top. The building wasn't that big, housing about 2-3 apartments per floor. The floor he stayed on has only 2 apartments, the rest of the space being a sort of common ground. That space was used as a main sleeping quarters. 

He was jumping across roof tops, making sure the package was fine the whole time. He wrapped everything up carefully so nothing bad could happen, but you never know. After about an hour of crime fighting, running, healing, and arresting Izuku finally saw Eraser. His arms were now completely healed, but he was still being careful. Probably making sure not to receive the wrath of a 3 foot tall nurse.

Salvare came to a stop as he met with Eraser. Aizawa being the pro he is, noticed the presence and turned around to face him. His shocked expression quickly schooled itself as he went back to his emotionless facade. He was also on call with Hawks, Tsukauchi, and John. They could hear everything.

(call is italicized)

Zawa- "I thought you were avoiding us, but two sightings right after another?"

Mido- "I'm not here for a chat, EraserHead. I came to give you this."

Izuku threw over the box, Eraser having caught it one handed. 

Zawa- "So you disappear for a while, show up, give Hawks a drive, then come back and hand me a crate. What is it you're after, kid?"

Mido- "I need help. And you're the only ones I trust enough to help."

Zawa- "Trust? Funny word for you to say."

Mido- "Just take that box back and show it to the detective. It's this organization I'm after, one you should have experience with."

Hawk- "That doesn't sound good."

Zawa- "What do you mean?"

Mido- "Does Averta ring any bells?"

Consistent: Collision (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن