Part 2

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As I'm watching Mani draw a dancer for her project for art, the school announcements start to play, I don't really pay attention to them but since they will be announcing things I actually care about I decided to pay attention "Girls soccer tryouts will begin Friday after school at 4:30, Boys soccer try outs will begin at 6:30, and auditions for Ballroom A and B will start Friday at 5" I look over towards Mani who is already packing her things since it was the last period of the day  "are you ready for Ballroom?" I ask putting my folder away "girl yes, I'm trying out with Noah so we'll get in" I throw my backpack over my shoulder and we start heading towards our lockers.

Anthony catches up to us in the hallway "hey bitches, you excited for your tryouts?" he looks very pale, it looks he just finished running a mile "I'm very excited as a matter a fact, also why do you look like you're on your death bed" I ask as I see him wipe off sweat from his face with his shirt "PE teacher made us do the pacer test that's why" I groan because I realize that's what I will be doing tomorrow for PE "are you going to do Track this year" I ask Anthony, he really isn't a sport guy but I heard him talking about joining with Tony and Justin and maybe Damian "I think I am, you should come and join with us!" he says with a hopeful tone "Track starts a month after your soccer season finishes, Mani should join too!" I'm actually considering it "maybe, I'll see how I feel when it comes to that" 

"what's Johnny going to do?" Anthony looks over at me and looks at me like I was dumb "he's doing baseball of course stupid" In that moment I felt stupid, Johnny's favorite sport is baseball, it's all he talks about "ah I'm stupid" I look forward and see Chris heading towards us and I already know something stupid is about to come out of his mouth because he's holding an ice pack against his elbow and his pants are ripped "oh god" we said in unison

Its Friday and I had to make Justin drive me home because I'm stupid and forgot my soccer bag at home, I leave my house and rush into his car "thank you so much for driving me I owe you big time" Justin starts to drive and we sit in comfortable silence "How are you and Selena doing" Selena was his girlfriend, they started dating this summer but I know that she doesn't really like me "we're doing good we have a date tonight" "How'd you guys even start dating?" I ask trying to fill the silence between us. As he tells me how they started to date I turn and I look out the window and started to think how nice it would be to be loved by someone "Lauren?" I hear Justin call my name out and it pulls me out of my train of thought "Wha- yah?" I ask confused "I said do you like anyone?" "as of right now, no I don't, why do you ask?" he looks like he wants to say something but he just says that he was just asking. We get to the park and I get out of his car thanking him for driving me home and to tryouts

I set my bags down onto the ground and I see a bunch of girls getting ready and talking to each other, they all look about a year younger than me, I look towards my right and I see some of the girls from last years team, I head over there and I greet them "LAUREN" I hear Shay yell, she runs towards me and pulls me into a hug "how are you gorgeous?!" I ask, I don't really see these girls because they are all a grade below me and I don't have any classes with them. 

We all start to catch up and talk about how the school year is going for everyone, as Shay is telling me about her summer fling she had, I notice the same three girls that I saw on the stairs on the first day of school. Shay noticed that I lost interest in her story and looks in the direction I'm looking at "That's Dinah on the left, Camila in the middle and Ally on the right" I look at her wanting her to continue with what she was saying "all I know about them is that they are in my grade" all I could say was "oh nice" 

Camila, that's her name, she has very beautiful brown eyes, her hair is very full, she looks so gorgeous. This just confuses me more, I don't even know her and I can't think of her that way, she's a girl. My thoughts are cut off by the coach blowing his whistle "alright ladies lets start tryouts" 


I feel like I'm dying, I haven't realized how out of shape I'm in, these ladders are killing me "ALRIGHT GET SOME WATER" I hear from far away, I just throw myself on the ground, I slowly reach into my bag and grab one of my waters, I lay back on my back and for a second I forget how gravity works and I dropped half my water on myself "fuck" I say very weakly, I hear laughing to the right and it's Shay and the others. Celine comes and gives me a hand to help me get off the floor, as I grab my hand I hear laughter coming from the other side of me and I turn and see the famous trio laughing at me, I give them an embarrassed smile and chuckle. 

"Fuck, how much longer until we do some actual drills instead of just running" I say jogging back to the coach "I hope it's right now, I don't know if I can do any more Indian runs" "Alright Ladies get in line we are going to do one on ones" all the girls split into two lines and waited for their turn. It got to my turn and I look over to see who I'll be going against and it's one of the girls from the trio, her name was Dinah I'm pretty sure, I was too busy in thought because I was not ready when the whistle was blown. Dinah reaches the ball before me so in the position I'm in right now I'm defending. She's fast and very aggressive, she makes a break for it and I chase right against her but she's way bigger than me so when he shoves back with a bit more force than me I get knocked to the ground. 

After I hit the ground I was a bit shocked on how hard I hit the ground, I have grass stains on my shorts, as I'm wiping grass from my hands and clothes I see a hand and I look up and I see that it's Dinah, I take her hand and she helps me up "I'm sorry about that" she say with a scared look on her face, I'm shocked on how caring she seems to be and we don't even know each other "it's totally okay, that was fun to be honest" I say with a small laugh, I head over to the back of the line to get ready to again. 

Tryouts are now over and everyone is just laying on the ground. I have one ear phone in listening to music and texting my mom that tryouts are over and if she can pick me up "Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't realized how hard I pushed back until you hit the ground" I look up from my phone to see Dinah apologizing to me "you're totally fine, I'm not in any type pain" I try to reassure her with a welcoming smile, someone speaks up from Dinah's right "She's a big teddy bear" the girl said poking Dinah's arm, I assume her name is Ally "shut up shorty" Dinah says trying to look angry but it quickly changes as she looks at me "I'm Dinah by the way, this is Ally and this is Camila" I look at Camila and she just gives me a smile "hi" she said nervously "Don't mind her, she's shy now but once you get to know her she's loud and annoying" Dinah said while slightly shoving Camila, I smile at the interaction "well it's nice to meet you guys, I'm Lauren" 

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