"Maybe I can meet him another day"

"You guys would be great friends, I can already tell!"I took a bite from the cookie as I felt his arm go around my shoulder,"Let's be friends! I'm Kazutora!"

"I'm Y/n! Let's be the best of friends!"

*Meeting Mitsuya*

Age: 11

I was on my way home when I decided to stop by the ice-cream shop not to far from my apartment complex when I heard a little girl outside of the shop,"Brother! I want one!" I heard her say.

"I don't have any money right now,maybe another time" the boy next to her said,I noticed he was also carrying another kid around. I slowly went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder,"I couldn't help but ease drop, sorry! But,I was wondering if I could buy you guys some ice-cream?" I offered giving him a kind smile.

"No! It's okay, don't worry" he declined,"Please! My mom gave me extra money, let me buy you guys some!" I kept begging until he finally ended up agreeing.

"Thank you,pretty lady!" The little girl said as I handed her the ice-cream she asked for,"No problem,cutie!"

"Thank you"the boy told me,"It's not a problem! I hope you guys enjoy, I'm Y/n  by the way."

"Nice to meet you,call me Mitsuya"

*Meeting Draken*

Age: 12

I was already late meeting Emma and Mikey for lunch due to being held back in class by the teacher and to top it off I had to bump into someone on my way to my destination. I groaned seeing all my stuff drop out of my hands,"Sorry! I didn't look where I was going!" I apologized looking up to see a boy with a dragon tattoo on the side of his shaved head.

"Aren't you a little young to have a tattoo?"I questioned to which he just shrugged,"No. Not really." He responded as he helped me pick up my things and handed them to me.

"Thanks,sorry again. I'm Y/n" he gave me a grin,"You can call me Draken!" He looked so proud saying his name,I smiled nodding. "Well,I gotta go!I'll see you later!" I said but before I could leave he grabbed me by the wrist,"Uhh..."

"Before you go,do you know where I can find a fifth grader named Mikey?"

"Mikey? Yeah,he's my friend. I can take you to him if you like?" his eyes went wide,"Yes! Thank you."

"Follow me then.."

*Meeting Pah Chin*


"You made me drop my sandwich!" I stared at the boy I had accidentally bumped into,"I'm so sorry!!" I quickly picked it off the floor even though it wasn't edible anymore due to the fact dirt had gotten on it.

"I can buy you a new one" I offered nervously,I was in such a hurry that I didn't even notice where I was walking.

"If you don't mind,I don't have any money on me right now" he said looking down,"Of course I don't mind! I'm the reason you dropped it. We can go to the store across the street" I pointed to the store to which he nodded as we both made our way over together.

"The names Haruki Hayashida but the nickname is Pah-chin!" He introduced

"Well,Pah-chin! It's a pleasure to meet you"

"...And that's how I met Toman's founding members" I finished off looking at the two boys.

"Woww~You really are a big part of Toman" Takemitchi said almost in disbelief but to me it wasn't really anything to be suprised about but I do think about how I met everyone sometimes. Maybe faith brought me to them or maybe it was just pure luck. At the end of the day,they are all someone I would put my life on the line for no matter if we fight at times. I wouldn't trade a single one of them nor would I ask to never have met them,they all changed my life in some way and I want to protect them all.

"My brother was the one to come up with Toman..." I looked down at my hands,"I might of brought us together but he created what we have today..."I felt Chifuyu wrap his arm around me,laying his head on my shoulder.

"I have another question" Takemitchi said nervously,"Ask away"

"Why do they call you angel?"

"Mikey thought it fit best"I chuckled,"He said it only made sense since when he met me I fell infront of him. He said the universe had dropped in angel off for him and it was me..."

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