The ogres return- CHAPTER 1

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She flinched, her arms shielded her face, and her eyes shut tight as she awaited for the impact that never arrived. Slowly, she peeked through her arms and met his wide, horror- filled eyes.

She gulped when he took a step forward, his hand still up. Another step and she recoiled hitting the bookshelf.

"I just wanted to take that book," he spoke softly reaching for the book on the highest shelf. Book in hand, he watched her and in a sudden movement she felt warm.

He had his arms wrapped around her and her face rested against his chest. She inhaled the citrus scent and relief washed over... followed by tears. She started shaking while trying to muffle her sounds. They were in a library after all.

"Let it out," he whispered onto her hair pulling her closer.

And she did, she let it all out. Her knees threatened to fall but he fully supported her, keeping her upright. She had passed her limits, with all going on around her the last few days and now this sudden action of comfort, her mask fell. She worried she would stain his shirt but he was thoughtless about that. He was more worried about her state and the bags besides them.

He ignored the weird looks people gave them, most certainly he would have to explain this to his superior. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt she wasn't moving anymore.


She brought the silk sheet over her face, covering it from the bright morning rays reflecting through the window.

She groaned and sat up, memories of the last day resurfacing. She couldn't be here, she had to go, run.


Knock knock knock

At the sound of the knock, he wondered who it could be on a 6 AM Sunday.

"Good morning, Mr. Jsakow. I found this woman by the back entrance of your house. I considered letting you know. Her appearance ahm..." the security man looked at her with a bitter look as if her sole existence was a nuisance to him. She should have known a man like Keuyei Jsakow would have security patrolling along his mansion. "Mr. Jsakow may had too much fun and women like this–"

"I did not ask but thank you, you are dismissed. You'll be contacted by my accountant for your last paycheck. Good day." Keuyei gritted enraged, the need to have his fist on that man's face increasing by each millisecond.

The man was left baffled as the door closed on his face. Was he just fired?

"Breakfast is on the table. I would suggest you don't try running again although I'm surprised. How did you–" he stopped as he watched her unlock the door with what appeared to be a tool.

He sighed.

"Asuis, seat and have breakfast."

She turned around at his command. Her eyes appeared to zoom in at the sound of her name.

"You saw the bruises," she whispered.

"And so did that security guard I just fired. Now, seat so we can have a talk. I can and will call the police but I need to know how you got them."

She remained silent staring at her bare feet and the bruises around her ankles.

"They'll come after you, you can't call the police." She replied appaled.

"Your father filled a missing person report yesterday before midnight, two hours before I found you at the bookshop. You had a suitcase and your backpack. I'm assuming you've been running since you also skipped classes the whole week. I just don't understand what took your father too long to–" Keuyei stopped talking upon realising what she wanted to do.

Daydreams: Short storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن