Chapter 9: Future

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Elsa looked at the ball with much happiness, seeing people together. "You know," said Venom, "I wonder what might be in our future." "I don't know," said Elsa, "Only time will tell."

After the ball, Elsa slept well, and felt a strange wind in her room. When she woke up, she looked around, and saw that she was in an alley. She looked around, and got up, and saw many people in strange clothes, moving metal objects, and many strange buildings. "Um, excuse me," said Elsa to a passingbyer, "Could you tell me where I am? I have had a bit of hangover last night." "Oh, of course," said the man, "You're in New York City." Elsa looked confused, "Um, thank you sir." Elsa then walked away, and saw a paper on the ground. She picked it up, and saw the date at the top: September 15, 2015. "2015?" asked Venom, "How are we here?" "I don't know," said Elsa, "Maybe we could find someone who can help us."

They walked around for a bit, and Elsa saw on the a strange screen, and it said, "Tony Stark, Iron Man, helps Spider Man to stop Venom from rampaging in downtown New York. Mr. Brock is currently in custody of S.H.E.I.L.D. He is now being prepared to be separated from the parasite that plagues his mind." "PARASITE!?!?!" yelled Venom. "Wow!!" said Elsa, "Calm down." Just then, a crash was heard, and some people were taking bags, and said, "GO GO GO!!!!" They then headed off, and Elsa said to Venom, "Want to show them who you really are?" "Hell yes," said Venom.

The robbers also had a hostage they used as a shield. "Now, we can get a bonus with you as a ransom." The woman frowned under her gag, and he then said, "Maybe I can get some fun with you." Just then, the roof was torn off, and Venom said, "You're not going to have any fun." He then grabbed the other two guys, and slammed them together, paralyzing them under the neck. He then grabbed the leader, and held him in the air. He then said, "Now, time to dispose this world of you." Venom then opened his mouth wide open, and then, was hit in the back of the head, and he turned around to see a strange man hanging upside down.

" Venom then opened his mouth wide open, and then, was hit in the back of the head, and he turned around to see a strange man hanging upside down

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"Alright Venom," said the man, "we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." "Look, can we just dispose of this man first, and then talk?" The man then shot a web, sticking the thief to a wall. "What is he, some, spider man?" asked Elsa. "I don't know," said Venom. "Now, surrender now, or else this will get ugly." Venom then grabbed him, and said, "Look, we don't want a fight, we need help from this, Tony Stark." "Oh stop it Eddie." "What? My host's name isn't Eddie." Venom let go, and retracted into Elsa, and she said, "My name is Elsa." The man looked intrigued. "Oh, sorry, um, my name's SpiderMan. Nice to meet you. Um, why doesn't Venom know me?" asked SpiderMan. "Um, well, this Venom is actually from when he, first came to Earth." "What?" asked SpiderMan, "Well, I might actually know Venom personally." 

At S.H.E.I.L.D......

Anna woke up and heard a voice saying her name. "Anna, is that you?" Anna opened her eyes and saw Venom looking right at her. "GAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!" screamed Anna, "Venom, don't do that!!!!" "Anna, how are you here?" asked Venom, "You died almost 185 years ago." "What? Venom, it's 1779." "No, it's 2015." "What?" "I saw you dye on your deathbed with Elsa, before she passed a few years ago." "What are you talking about?" "I need to get you out of here." Venom then banged on the door, and he made if disappear, before grabbing Anna, and jumping out, and shot spider webs.

SpiderMan then showed Venom how to shoot spider webs, after he touched him. "Wow," said Venom, "This is amazing." "So, you're from 1779?" asked SpiderMan. "Yes, and we need to get back to our time before anything changes." "Very well," said SpiderMan, "Let's go get the Avengers."

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