Chapter 2: Double Life

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It was best that maybe Venom was kept a secret from the kingdom, so he stayed, and Elsa made sure he was well fed. Although, sometimes Venom would complain about things. "Is the life of a queen always this boring?" asked Venom. "No," said Elsa, "sometimes you can travel and see other kingdoms to make new trade deals." "Just for that? Lame." "Well, I didn't sign up for this! I was born to be a ruler, even though I didn't want to." "Look, it's just I want to hunt, eat, live life!!" "I know, I just, I wish I could sometimes live a double life at times." Elsa then finished signing the document, and Venom said, "You want to live a double life? Well why didn't you just say so?" "Wait, what?" asked Elsa.

Venom jumped around the town, hiding in allies, and looking for something to happen. "What are you doing Venom?" "I'm giving you a double life as a crime fighter," said Venom. "What?" "I can show you what I mean, when it comes time to save lives." Just then, screams could be heard, and men taking children came. "NO, MY BABY!!!" cried a mother. "Alright men," said the leader, "Get ready to have fun." "Show time," said Venom, cracking his knuckles. 

The leader stood on top of a stack crates, and said, "Okay men, let's..." He was interrupted by something grabbing his arm, and Venom walking up to him. "You come here, again, in fact, you go anywhere in this kingdom, preying on innocent people, and we will find you, and eat both of your arms, and then both of your legs, and we will eat your face, right off of your head, do you understand?" "Please," whimpered the man. "Yes, so, you'll be this , armless, legless, faceless thing, won't you, rolling down the street, like a turd, in the wind. Do you feel me?" "What the hell are you?" asked the man. Venom then opened half his face, revealing an angry Elsa, and they said in unison,

 Venom then opened half his face, revealing an angry Elsa, and they said in unison,

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 "We, are Venom." Venom's face then closed up, and he said, "On second thought." He then bit the head off of the leader, and turned to the rest of the traffickers. "Leave and release the children now, unless you want to be the second course." The men obeyed, and Venom leaped back to the castle. 

The next morning, Elsa woke up, and looked around her room, and screamed. "ELSA!" cried Anna, "What's wr-" She stopped when she looked in the corner, and saw, a pile of bodies, and a pile of heads. "VENOM!!" yelled Elsa. Venom came out in a tendril, and said, "Yes?" "Who are these men?" "The traffickers," said Venom. "They were leaving!" "They probably would have continued kidnapping children and selling them!" Elsa sighed, and said, "Alright, I'll let you get away with that, but you can't keep your piles here." "Why not?" "It's just disgusting." Venom then extended, and devoured the piles instantly. "I think I just lost my appetite," said Anna. "I did too," said Elsa, "Okay, if you're going to stay here Venom, we need some rules: Firstly, you can't just eat anyone you want." "I can not?" "No," said Anna, "Also, you can't remake your piles!" "Rule 2," said Elsa, "You can only, touch, harm, attack, or maybe, just, maybe, eat, very, very, very bad people." "So, what is classified as very, very, very bad people?" asked Venom. "Well, the traffickers are, along with ones who do mutiny, kidnappers, and murders." "People who steal are not that. If we have someone who has stolen something, then we lock them in the dungeon for a day," said Anna, "And give them a warning." "Lame," said Venom. Just then, a scream was heard, and it was from Kai.

He then fainted with the tray of tea from seeing Venom sticking out from Elsa. "Pussy," said Venom.

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