Who are you disgusting for baby? ✨

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Bree POV:

"Angelica I'm not gay."

I turned my head away from Angelica when I said it.

I couldn't possibly look in her eyes and lie.

She always saw right through me.

But technically I didn't lie. I'm not gay.

She hesitated before saying "huh?"

Angelica heard me clearly she just wanted to make sure I heard what I was saying.

I turn my head looking at her, her face in a disoriented expression.

"Gelly I said im not gay." I say raising my voice a bit.

With a blink of an i eye I feel my neck being pulled by a strong hand, but not too hard making sure not to hurt me.

She made me look into her eyes before speaking and moving to my neck.

"Brenna I know your not gay." She whispered against my neck, hovering over it as if she's going to kiss it but doesn't.

She knew this made my knees weak.

I can't give in so quick.

"But you are disgusting." She whispered gripping my neck harder and forcing me to look into her eyes.

Angelica gave me a degrading kink, so naturally when she said that to me I wanted to sit on her face. 

When I say gave me, I mean that when she use to fuck me, she had made me see the pleasure in being yelled at and insulted.

"Who are you disgusting for baby." She says brushing her lips against mine as she spoke.

I knew the answer to the question and so did she.

Her soft lips are something I missed the most about her. The way I wanted her so bad but couldn't have her was killing me.

By habit I closed my eyes and leaned in but she just gripped harder and pushed my back.

"Aht aht aht I'll let you kiss me when your straight ass answers me." She says placing small kiss then smiling against my neck.

She lingers in that spot to engulf my scent. She loved the way I smelled.

"Come on baby, you know the awnser. Who are you disgusting for?" She says letting go off my neck and brushing her thumb over my lip.

There was a mess in between my legs and the tension was thick.

Lord Why couldn't I get paired up with Selena.

I open my eyes looking into hers, then watching her bite her lip softly at me.

Her eyes trailing down from my lips to my showing cleavage then then my vagina.

I crack.

I crack like knuckles in a boxing match.

"You." I mutter in shame.

"Who." She says with a wide smile spreading across her face.

"You Angelica."

"Good girl." She says kissing my cheek and letting me go completely.

She bit her lip looking at me one more time then left the room and closed the door behind her.





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