Just a sketch-

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I will be finishing the art with the coloring a little later, but I just wanted to show y'all the sketch and stuff, I will be posting some of my old art I've drew months ago as well, and some that had been like a year now. 

Now introducing one of my most oldest Oc' yet so far. Here's Crystal, yes, only the sketch haha- 

I am now thinking that I have drew the body proportion wrong- I had to search up fro some poses and then yeah - still not fully impressed with the sketch, I can somehow draw my other oldest Oc's but expect for Rose

Oops! Questa immagine non segue le nostre linee guida sui contenuti. Per continuare la pubblicazione, provare a rimuoverlo o caricare un altro.

I am now thinking that I have drew the body proportion wrong- I had to search up fro some poses and then yeah - still not fully impressed with the sketch, I can somehow draw my other oldest Oc's but expect for Rose...I don't know why it always turns out for me that I can't draw her, when she is based off of me...maybe I just lost that skill to draw her..? I don't know. But anyways hope you enjoyed this crappy sketch!

Also yeah- the eye size looks weird and the head is messy- I had to redo it a few times because either the shape looked weird and messed up- :/ 

Welp, that's it!

My art book!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora