The Fight

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"What the hell were you two thinking?" Lewis and Valtteri sit opposite the Mercedes boss and look at each other briefly "We wanted to make a statement and we did" Toto shakes his head "Yes, and what a statement! Every newspaper, every news channel and every radio is reporting about it! Haven't you had enough attention with your crappy balcony action?" The Finn frowns "What's that supposed to mean? Do you think we did that on purpose?" Annoyed, Toto raises his arms in the air "What do I know! With you guys it wouldn't surprise me ..."

Now it's Lewis who frowns almost angrily "What do you want to tell us with that? Huh? That we kissed in front of millions of viewers just to get attention? Toto, we are two of the best racers in the whole world, we're standing more than enough in the spotlight!" Annoyed, he leans back and crosses his arms in front of his chest. Toto looks at him skeptically "If that's the case, why on earth did you kiss? And from all the places you could have chosen, why did it had to be Azerbaijan?"

Valtteri laughs dryly "Man Toto do you really not get it? Lewis and I have been more than just perfect teammates for a long time and we were just tired of hearing rumors about us all the time" Now it's the Mercedes boss who laughs dryly "And you seriously believe that this action will help you now? What kind of problems do you think this has caused for our team and the whole Formula One industry? It would be a miracle if Baku lets us race next year after you two have trampled the law there!"

Upset, Lewis shoots up. The Finn is just in time able to grab him by the arm to keep him from jumping over the table "Law!?What fucking law, Toto!? That people there are forbidden to love the one they want and risk going to jail for it is contempt for humanity and not a fucking law!" Valtteri pulls his arm for a moment "Lew-" "What? I'm just telling the truth! I never understood why we race in a country like this anyway when we stick "We race as once" on everything and race against racism! There's no fucking better country where Val and I could have done it publicly!"

Now Toto rises as well. He eyes the two drivers with a raised eyebrow. "You two are lucky you're such damn good drivers. I can't deny that Mercedes is at the top today only because of your talent. See that it stays that way, or I'll kick you out on your asses!" He leans forward "Believe me, I have enough candidates just waiting to take your places" The Brit draws in a sharp breath, but before he could counter with anything, Valtteri grabs him and pulls him towards the door with him. "Don't worry Toto, our performance won't suffer."

Hey guys:)
Things are getting spicy 🌶 I know, Toto seems a little bit aggressive here, but luckily it's just a fanfiction😬
So, enjoy and stay safe <3🏎

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