Special Chapter 1

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"Sit here for 5 minutes, stay away from the glass, do not provoke him" the commanding officer had a serious look on his face, "there will be 2 guards outside the door, everything in this room is being monitored and don't worry we can't hear you, but if you need help signal towards the camera and guards will immediately detain him"

No one said a word, even though they were meeting this "dangerous" criminal, they didn't feel any fear because they knew he wouldn't harm them, even more so after he had shown his vulnerable side to them. Namjoon shook the officer's hand and thanked him for all the help.

Just then the door on the other side opened. Two soldiers walked in with a man in between them, he was wearing handcuffs. The moment he looked at them his expression went soft, he smiled, his eyes curving.

"You guys are here" Jimin said in a soft voice as he sat down.

The two guarding men looked at each other strangely, who is this man?..they had never seen him like this.

Taehyung had tears in his eyes but he didn't dare to cry. He just looked at the ceiling hoping his tears could just flow back in.

They all looked at Jimin, this was the person they knew before everything went wrong. He was their friend.

Jimin took a good look at each one of them, as though scanning them and locking them away into his memories. He was the first one to speak, "how are you?" He turned to look at Taehyung first, "Why are you sad? This place is better than you think, they give you food, clean clothes, playtime even haha" Jimin looked at Jungkook next, "Jungkookie are you practising hard? I know you want to be a dancer..." Jungkook couldn't look him in the eyes, he didn't know if it was guilt or resentment.

"Jimin" Jin spoke bringing Jimin's attention to himself, "We are all doing good, everyone is taking care of themselves. We came here to see how you were doing, I know it has been more than a year since we saw each other but-" 

Jimin didn't let Jin finish and interrupted him, "You must've heard the news then" Jimin's smile gradually faded away, "I still appreciate you coming here to see me one last time" He smiled, it was clearly fake. How could one even genuinely smile if they knew they were going to die in a few days? 

Yoongi had been looking at the door on his left the entire time, not even sparing Jimin a glance. He had always been adamant, people like Jimin didn't deserve any good treatment according to him. If you can take another human's life so easily then you very well deserve to be hanged to death! This was Yoongi's standpoint, yet he had driven all this way without any complaints. 

Jimin cast him a glance and immediately understood what he was thinking. His face grew darker and darker. He hung his head low and laughed before looking up at Namjoon. He didn't look like the same person anymore. His eyes were filled with resentment, he opened his mouth and said, "I'll say hi to Sunwoo" Namjoon wanted to leave immediately, he still had nightmares from that time. 

"Jimin!" Hobi yelled, "You know it wasn't his fault! If you hadn't gone out and done all of this everything would still be fine and you wouldn't be on death row...." 

Jimin didn't say a word. He was snapped back to reality. 

Yoongi stood up from his chair and took Hoseok outside, he knew that's not what he meant to say. Hobi cared about Jimin more than anyone else. Namjoon was overcome with guilt and couldn't stay anymore, he followed them outside. 

Jimin looked up to see the three of them looking at him with strange expressions. Was it anger? No, it was much softer. Then was it pity? Do they pity me? Why? 

"Hyung" Jungkook who had been quiet all this time spoke, his eyes brimmed with tears, "what went wrong?" His face sank, "We were all such good friends, everything was okay and then everything fell apart" 

They all had so many questions that they wanted answers to but they knew that they weren't going to get any.

"I have a favour to ask of you" Jimin spoke in a soft voice, "I know I am in no position to be asking for favours but think of this as my death wish"

Taehyung nodded at him, it was subtle but it meant 'I will do anything you ask'

"I found my brother, his name is Park Jinwoo."

The three of them looked at each other.

Jimin continued, "Please look after him. He isn't weak, not at all, he is independent and very capable. He said he wanted to study and I got him enrolled in school again, don't worry about the money, I have that covered and Jihoon wants to be his godfather. Jinwoo has a long life ahead of him, I don't doubt his skills. He even comes to see me every week and reassures me that he will get me out of here" Jimin paused and couldn't help but smile no matter what. It was a very sad smile. "He has changed so much since the time I found him and don't be mistaken, he isn't like me at all, I promise you. He is very kind and soft at heart"

The three of them didn't understand why they were feeling bad for this man. Isn't he a murderer? Everyone was calling him a psychopath but why is he so pitiful now? They believed him. 

Before they knew it they had run out of time and Jimin was taken away by the guards, he didn't forget to smile at them before leaving. 


Psychopath/ ✔️ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin