Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Surprise

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Author's Note: I really enjoyed this movie after seeing it in theaters, and like previous times, I felt a desire to write some type of continuation story. I have no idea if Shawn Levy, Ryan Reynolds, etc. will make a sequel to the film (probably as long as it'll take for Shawn to do Real Steel 2 with Hugh Jackman) but hopefully other people who enjoyed the movie as much as I did will also write stories. Hopefully you enjoy the start to this one.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this movie. That goes to Disney/Fox. I only own this story, any OCs, etc.


"Okay, bu - big guy, just remember what we talked about yesterday. There is no need to launch the football back to me like a cannon after I send it back to you. You got it?"

The massively tall and very muscular NPC (short for non-playable-character) that was known as Dude nodded his head and began taking several steps back across the sand-covered ground until the person currently holding the football told him to stop.

"Alright, here we go!" Guy yelled, and took a deep breath before throwing the object as hard as he could in Dude's direction. A smile appeared on his face while watching the large man reach up to catch the spiraling footballl, but it was suddenly retrieved in mid-air by a pterodactyl who decided to fly off with in a different direction.

Letting out a groan of irritation, Guy then cried out, "We already went over this, Tweety! The footballs don't belong to YOU or however many baby dino chicks hatched - hey, Dude, where are you going?"

"Do not worry, little Guy! I get all the balls back from the dino-bird-soars and make them ball-less." Before Guy could explain to him about choosing a better wording phrase next time, Dude was already stomping his way out of the beach in pursuit of the winged prehistoric creature. I knew I should've started off with a soccer ball.

And now that Dude was gone from the beach, that meant Guy was again by himself. Yes, there were still other NPCs hanging around at certain parts of the sandy landscape, but they consisted of either families or a group of friends. His best friend Buddy was currently getting 'accquainted' with a female security guard that had arrived into the game a couple of days ago, and Dude was now off chasing dinosaurs.

"Maybe I should bring Goldie here tomorrow. He would probably love swimming around in the big waves of water-" Guy began to say before being interrupted by an arriving ice cream salesman.

"Good afternoon, friend! Interested in the usual pink bubblegum ice cream serving for two?" asked Mr. Ice Cream, his hands already preparing to serve two dessert treats. However, he was interrupted briefly by Guy after having seen him shake his head a couple times. "Oh, my mistake! I just figured the lovely lady you usually shared it with was nearby or something… so just one for yourself?"

A few moments later, after Guy had accepted and thanked him for the ice cream, he was now looking out across the ocean waters and quietly enjoying the pink-colored treat. Normally, Guy would've been enjoying it alongside a beautiful non-NPC woman named Millie (or Molotov Girl, to others) that he'd fallen in love with back when his world was still Free City instead of Free Life, but a week ago he helped her realize that the actual true love she needed to be with was actually out there in her world, and Guy had not seen or heard from her since then.

"It's just a sweet… Sweet fantasy…" He sang in a soft and quiet tone, pausing to enjoy his ice cream in between notes. Sure, it would've been more fun if she was next to him right now with her own treat or even spending some time on the swing set at a nearby park but Guy knew that Millie didn't deserve to be forever lost in the gaming world while her actual life simply passed by. I did the right thing… 'cause that's the type of person I am. A great guy who -


Suddenly, Guy flinched after being startled by the sound of lightning, and that caused him to drop what remained of his dessert. "Aw man! The last part of the cone's always the best!" He then looked up at the sky that was starting to become a little cloudy, but there was no sign of approaching raindrops nor were any of the other beach occupants planning on making a departure any time soon. "Huh… I wonder why no one else seemed to have noticed-"

"Guy!" He paused his sentence after having heard someone call out to him, but once again, there didn't appear to be any sign of said person anywhere. Just as Guy was about to head away from the beach, he heard the voice cry out his name again. "Guh… Guy! Huh… help!"

Turning around to face the wave-filled waters, it didn't take long for Guy to find the person yelling for him but to his shock and horror, it was coming from a woman that looked like she was close to drowning. "Oh, dear Jesus… D-don't worry! I'm making my way out there!"

Guy then proceeded with taking off his shoes, followed by rolling back the sleeves of his shirt and was now dashing his way to her as fast as he could possibly go. "I… I'm almost there, Miss! Hang on - whoooaaaaaa!'

A large gasp escaped his mouth as Guy looked up at the big wave swiftly heading in his direction, and he barely had the chance to turn around before it came crashing down upon him with a large thud. It wasn't until a few moments later that he opened up his eyes and started to cough up some sea water before eventually getting back up on his feet. "Ok, now where is - oh my God!"

Without any hesitation, Guy hurried over as fast as possible to the person that had called out to him, having also washed up ashore almost a mile away from where he had. It wasn't without difficulty, though. "Ugh… why did I… wear pants to the beach?" .

Then, Guy started to slow down and was now walking up to the individual, but his eyes widened like ping-pong balls and he almost screamed out loud after realizing who the unconscious person in front of him was. The same person that he'd been thinking about while eating the pink bubblegum ice cream just a few moments ago. "Millie! No, no, no, no…"

He placed his ear against the armour-covered area where her heart would be, and felt a little relieved that it was still beating. "Ok, that's good… uh, just need to figure out how to, um… or what to do ne-"


As the football landed on the sand after having bounced off Guy's head, the blue-shirt wearing NPC was now knocked out cold and lying down beside Millie while an approaching Dude cried out, "Ha! See, I told you dino birds would be… oops. I mess up again with Guy."

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