Paris Residence

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*walks up stairs*

*rings bell*

*door opens*


"hey mrs. paris, mind if i come in?"

"no, no, come in sweetie"

*walks in*

*sits on couch*

"is everything okay? how are you feeling?"

"i'm fine, thank you. i actually wanted to talk about your son"

*blinks nervously*
"uh, uh, sure. would you like some tea?"

"no thank you"

*rubs hands together*
"so, what about dakota you want to talk about?"

"was he acting strange to you?"

"prior to his death?"


"well, the day before the accident, he came home around 10pm, he looked scared. i asked him if he was ok, he said he was fine"

*runs hand through hair*
"he kept checking out the window, like someone was after him. i asked him again if everything was alright, but he insisted i had nothing to worry about. around 11pm i left for work as usual. I called, checked up on him, he was okay"

"and the next morning?"

"you sure you don't want any tea?"

"i'm alright, mrs. paris. please continue"

*takes a breath*
"around 10am, i had just gotten home, there were a bunch of cops and the ambulance parked in front of the house. that's when they told me he committed suicide"
*tear falls*

"i'm sorry to have to ask you this mrs. paris, but did you see his body?"

"what?... uh, no. they wouldn't let me. they said he had set himself on fire. why are you asking these questions?"

"his death just feels weird, don't you think?"

*moves closer*
"are you saying he was murdered?"

"i'm saying the police isn't telling us everything that happened that morning.."

Brook423जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें