Positioning my hands on the strings, I strummed, and sang,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky!

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

In the dark blue sky you keep,

And through my curtains you often peep,

For you never shut your eyes,

Till the sun is in the sky.

Then the traveller in the dark,

Thanks you for your tiny spark,

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

Though I don’t know what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky,

Like a diamond,

Like a diamond,

Like a diamond,

Like a diamond,

You shine your little light,

And twinkle, twinkle, through the night,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

   “So kids,” I breathed, “What do you think?” Jaime, Noelle and Annalise had the same expression, blowing spit bubbles and struggling to hold the bars of their cot with their tiny fat fingers, “Great,” I sighed, “Oh well...I guess the more I keep talking to you, the faster you’ll be able to say mamma…” With the guitar firmly in one hand, I leant over so they could all see me, “Can you say that?” I asked, “Mamma…” Nothing, “Mamma…” I repeated,

   All I got was a confused gurgle from Jaime and then a chuckle from Annalise as Noelle flopped over onto her,

   Laughing with her, I picked Noelle off of her, “I’ll be right back,” Opening the bedroom door, I was greeted by the sudden loudness of shouting downstairs,

   “No!” A girl’s voice screamed, “Don’t you dare say that! I haven’t done anything!”

   “Don’t try that again!” A voice shouted back, “I’ve heard the rumours-”

   “They’re rumours…”

   “And I’ve seen you! God Aria I’ve seen you…”

   Silently, I put Niall’s guitar back and then stopped back on the hallway’s balcony, I knew from the voices it was Aria and Harry arguing downstairs. I didn’t realise they were even here, they’d been so quiet… Until now of course…

   “They meant nothing Harry!” Aria cried her voice echoing in the hallways, “I just see you all the time with her-” By the tone of her voice, I could tell she was disgusted, “You’re all over…And you have a go at me for sleeping with other men when you’re doing exactly the same thing…!”

   “I am not doing anything!” Harry shouted, “You are the only person who I’ve slept with in the last month but you…” He huffed sarcastically, “You’ve been off what? Every other day with a different man?” Harry suggested,

   “Every day!” Aria screeched, “What do you think I am?”

   I knew Harry would say exactly what I was thinking, so I quickly retreated into the girls’ room and shut the door, “You don’t need to know that word yet,” I told them,

   Quietly, I waited with the babies, that was until an overwhelming disgusting smell, “Oh dear,” I sighed, “Which one of you was it?”

   Lifting up one at a time, I smelt their nappies and found Jaime to be the culprit, I quickly changed her. I was now becoming faster and faster with the increasing amount of practice… Also, I discovered that I was running low on nappies and I did not want to be in a situation where I ran out.

   Having no other choice, I braved downstairs. Surprisingly, it was deathly silent,

   “Hello?” I asked walking into the front room. Nothing. No one. It was still quiet, “Harry?” I asked, “Aria?”

   Walking into the kitchen, I saw Harry sitting at the kitchen table sobbing into his hands that were pressed protectively over his face,

   “Harry?” I asked again cautiously, “Are you alright?”

   “Not really,” Harry cried, literally, I saw a fragile tear perch on the end of his chin and fall with a little splash onto the surface of the table top,

   Sitting next to him, I sighed and against everything I stood for, I placed an arm around his shoulder, “It’ll be alright…” I told him,

   “No it won’t,” He sniffed pulling his head up, his eyes were already starting to redden, “Because now she’s gone and you…” Harry looked into my eyes and then tore them away without completing his sentence,

   “I what?” I asked, “Harry?”

   Harry shook his head, “Nothing,” He sniffed wiping his face with the sleeve of his hoody, “It doesn’t matter,”

   “Right,” I clicked my tongue starting to actually feel quite angry, “Well I’ll leave you to it then…” In silence, I slipped up from the table and ran back up the stairs,

   Ten minutes later and I was pulling on my coat, Bailey on a lead attached to the stroller and the girls all geared up for the cold,

   “Where are you going?” Harry appeared from the kitchen,

   “Out,” I replied bluntly,

   Harry laughed lowly, “Where out?” I turned to him, he leant against the wall. I felt myself drawn to him, his mussed up curls, deep yet shining green eyes stained slightly red from crying. His creased hoody and jeans that clung to him…

   “Stop!” I shouted mentally at myself, “Stop it now!” I cried, “Don’t even look at him!” For once, I listened to myself, licking my lips, I pulled my eyes away from his and stared at me feet,

   “I’m running out of nappies…” Harry smirked, “Not for…Not for me…” I stuttered in embarrassment, “For them… I don’t need…Um…” I coughed and changed the subject, “I thought you were at the studio with the others,”

   Harry sighed and pulled on his trainers, “I know,” The corners of his lips turned up into a small amused smile, “That’s why I could hear you singing upstairs,”

   “Oh,” I croaked feeling my cheeks heat up, “What are you doing?” I asked with a small frustrated sigh,

   “Coming with you,” Harry breathed, “I need to get out the house for a while, you don’t mind, do you?”

Beau Babies / h.sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें