Chapter One Present Day

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Present day

Today is the first day of the summer. I have nothing planned. My mum doesn’t really go anywhere and my Dad well he don’t live with us. Anyway I decided it would be fun to go out there and find myself a summer job. Just thinking earning some cash would be good so I could go shopping. Another thing I can’t do with my Mum not earning enough to give me some pocket money. My Mum works yes but as a cleaner every morning. Something I’m quite glad that Polly didn’t find out. I mean what a field day she would have with that one along with my Mum being an alcoholic.

I headed out the house wearing a denim shortish skirt and a top. I went round the shops first of all but no one needed anyone to work for them. Then I stopped by the Grill and headed inside. I see Matt Donovan there behind the bar putting some glasses back there.

“Hi do you know if there are any jobs going here over the summer?” I ask him.

“Uh yeh I will just get you an application form.” He smiles at me heading out back to do just that. While he was gone I took a look around me. I had never exactly been in here before. I could hear everyone chatter around me even hearing some of the conversations really well especially if I tune into them.

“Hey here you go.” Matt says from behind me. I turn back to look at him. “Thank you.” I say smiling at him taking the form from him.

“I will give this back to you as soon as I get it filled out.” I say.

“Okay cool. Look forward to seeing you.” He smiles at me. I then walk away from him. As I come out the grill I spot Dana with Chad again. I blank her completely but then spot Polly or should I say heard her. She was banging on to her friends about another girl at school who had apparently been sleeping around.

“We should all pray for her otherwise her soul will go straight to hell.” She chirped to her friends.

I quickly hide myself behind a phone box watching her sneakily. Suddenly I hear Dana’s voice from behind me.

“Aww look its Sophie.” She says to Chad. Polly hears her and automatically looks over and smirks at me.

“Oh look another one we need to pray for. Hello Sophie.” Polly sings songs to me.

“Oh hi yourself.” I say to her smelling the scent of her over powering perfume.

Chad laughs. “Polly there’s no point praying for her haven’t you heard she’s going straight to hell.” He says spitefully.

“Uh no Chad if anyone is destined to hell it’s you.” I say to him thinking he might be right that I could be going to hell since I’m a vampire and all.

“If you say so.” He laughs not caring what I said.

“Oh well Sophie I wouldn’t worry and it’s no one’s place but God’s to say whether you can’t be saved or not.” She says to me.

“Mm okay if you say so Polly. Now if you don’t mind, I have some really important things to do.” I lie walking away from them and heading back home.

I didn’t much like Dana drawing attention to me. She must have known I was hiding from Polly. She knows how much I hate her.

Later I head out again taking my now filled out form to Matt. I see him with Elena and Caroline as I head up to him. He smiles at me.

“Hey that was quick.” He says spotting the form in my hand.

“Uh yeh I guess so.” I smile handing it to him. He takes it and puts it behind the counter.

“I will make sure this gets to my boss.” He says kindly. I notice Elena looking at me.

“Hey do I know you?” She asks.

“Uh I’m not sure. But I know you.” I say to her shocked she was evening talking to me.

“You’re Sophie aren’t you?” Caroline pipes up.

“Yeh.” I say not sure where this was going.

“Oh yeh you’re in my English class.” Elena smiles at me.

“Yes that would happen to be it.” I smile back at her.

“You want to hang out with us?” Caroline asks. I look shocked at her.

“Um okay only if you’re sure?” I say to her.

“Course I’m sure why wouldn’t I be?” She asks.

“Just people don’t seem to like me.” I say to her.

“Well we aren’t the type of people to judge someone by what we hear about them.” Elena tells me leading me to a table.

Matt comes over. “What drinks can I get you all?” He asks.

“Coke for me please.” I reply as I sit down next to the window.

“And us please Matt thank you.” Caroline says talking for Elena too as she sits in the seat opposite me.

“So tell us all about you.” Elena smiles at me sitting next to Caroline.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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