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I just couldn't believe my friend Dana sometimes. Well I say friend she really isn't a true friend. And this is what I'm talking about. The thing I couldn't believe is that every time she's with Chad or any other people she ignores me. Apparently and I quote 'We can't be seen together. I don't want people knowing we are friends.' I know right I should just get rid of her but thing is I can't. I have no other friends to talk to and none out of school either. The likes of Polly Hunter put an end to all of that. Polly Hunter is a religious nut. She goes around school witnessing about the bible and if she knows anyone that’s done something sinful it would be round the school in seconds. Anyway she started a vicious rumor about me when somebody told her that my mother is an alcoholic. Which is true but no one didn't need to know about it. But Polly did and she made out that I drunk to and took drugs. She also claimed that I lived in a trailer park which I didn't. Truth is I live in a house three bed to be exact but no one ever spoke to me to find that out. Anyway I'm the school misfit that just didn't fit in so having Dana has a friend meant a lot to me even though she isn't a proper one.

As I arrive at the school on my bike I spot Dana talking to Chad. I quickly park my bike and chain it to the pole before carrying on ahead to my locker ignoring Dana just like she tells me too. When I reach my locker I take out some books that I needed for my English class. I turn to look to the right side of me and see Elena Gilbert with her friends Bonnie Bennet and Caroline Forbes. Elena used to be a cheerleader along with her other two friends but when her parent's died it kind of put paid to that. I never really spoke to Elena or any of her two friends. All I know is that they are popular but for some reason she seemed to interest me. She used to go out with the head of the football team but then she broke up with him and started seeing this really gorgeous guy named Stefan Salvatore. Anyway there were times I wished I was her.

That night I went out with Dana to a club. Dana's idea of course. We danced and drank. We talked to a group of guys in which one started getting touchy feely with me something that made me feel uncomfortable. Anyway I was getting quite tipsy and Dana seemed to disappear on me. The guys were on about going back to one of their places and the touchy feely guy got me to go back with them. I knew I shouldn't of but I felt myself being led there. Once there that was when the guys pounced on me. I felt them ripping at my dress and once they had that off their hands roaming my body. I hated it. I can remember crying and screaming which seemed to egg them on further. They beat me and then took it in turns to rape me till I passed out. When I woke I can remember feeling slightly different. I could hear really well. And I felt hungry for some reason. I get up from the floor and see blood my blood and notice some other traces of blood along with the men's bodies all lying there their throats ripped out. I notice then that I wasn't wearing any clothes. My thighs were bruised and bloody. My whole body hurt. I head into the bathroom and spot a towel and put it round me. I wondered who had killed them. I find one of the men's t shirts in a drawer and put it on. I pick up my teared dress along with my panties and bra. The smell of blood was making me attracted to it which I didn't understand. I stand over one of the men's bodies seeing a pool of blood next to him I crouch down and dip my fingers into it and suck the blood from my fingers. Once that happened I was gripped by pain with my gums they started hurting like something was happening to them. I look in the mirror and notice my eyes had gone dark and that there were veins around my eyes then that’s when I saw them Fangs. I had fangs like a vampire. I could feel myself healing too and when I looked all my cuts and bruises were gone. Shocked and very frightened I zoom out of there which I guess was vampire speed and head home. Now I didn't notice it then but I could walk straight into my mum’s house. I didn't need an invite like other vampires do.

Since that night I was plagued with nightmares. I had no idea who turned me and to be fair I was frightened. I didn't go to school the next day or the next then by that time it was too late as school broke up for the summer.

At first I wasn't dealing very well with being a vampire. I kept hearing my mum's heart beat over and over again till in the end I had to go out. I remember walking around town till I heard this man threatening this girl in an alley. Anger took over me and I headed down the alley.

"Hey you in trouble?" I asked the girl. She looked frightened and I could sense it too. She looks at me and nods her head to say yes.

"So what if she is? What can you do about it?" The guy asks laughing at me. I saw red then and made my face change. I then pounced on him and bit into his neck drinking his blood and making sure I drained him. I then let his body slump to the floor licking my lips. The girl watches me petrified. I turn and look at her my human face returned.

"You best get home." I tell her. The girl then runs off. I then head home feeling a little guilty about killing that guy but thinking he deserved it.

 My names Sophie Parker by the way and I'm 16 years old. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and quite slim. I like to wear skirts, leggings and short sleeved tops and sometimes in the summer depending on my mood I will wear summer dresses.

Now you got the information of my past and my name plus some info about myself let’s get to my future.

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