Chapter 3

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"Hey, hey, hey," Aether said. "I'm all for answering your questions, but can we please get into a more comfortable position? I'd be more talkative over some, say, mung bean biscuits and some green tea."

"Not a chance," Keqing hissed, pressing the blade into Aether's neck, hard enough to draw blood. "You will stay in this position and you will answer my questions."

Aether sighed sadly. "So, you really didn't listen to your father, then. 'Always treat your guests with a firm but kind grip. If needed, offer them some light snacks. Some mung bean biscuits can't go wrong. Neither can some green tea.' Isn't that what he said?"

Keqing's eyes widened as the memory hit her. How did he know about it?

Aether cracked a smile. "You look like someone's waving around a half-naked picture of you in public. Are you that surprised to hear that I know of that memory?"

Keqing backhanded Aether across the face, and he rubbed his cheek. "Ouch," Aether complained.

"How?" Keqing demanded, pressing the blade against Aether's throat again. "Tell me, or I will kill you. You and I both well know that I could do it right now."

"Then you wouldn't get any answers," Aether pointed out. "And this scene and memory will haunt you for the rest of your life."

Keqing considered for a moment. She hated it when the villain had a point. After a moment of thought, she came back to reality.

"Fine. I won't kill you. But I can injure you so bad that you'll wish you were dead. How does that sound?"

"You still haven't learned..." Aether sighed. "To be fair, I've never been the best teacher. Yuheng, you need to learn that, right here, right now, in this position, you are still not in control."

"What do you mean I am not in control?" Keqing asked. "I have you pinned under me, with my sword at your throat. I could kill you in one blow. And you have the audacity to tell me that I'm not in control?"

"Very correct. I am telling you that. Tell me, Yuheng," Aether asked. "How are you in control if I do this?"

He snapped his fingers, and he disappeared in a burst of golden light. He reappeared behind her, and pressed a knife against her neck.

Keqing froze like a deer in headlights, and Aether raised his eyebrows.

"Tell me. Are you in control now?" he asked.

Keqing stood stock still, and could only manage a slight shake of her head.

Aether nodded. "You'll understand eventually. Come with me," Aether said, and he released her. The dagger dematerialised, and he gestured to a table near the Ballista. How did Keqing not notice it? On it was a pot of tea and some of the biscuits her father had told her about.

"No," Keqing resisted. "I won't."

Aether raised an eyebrow. "I thought you came here because you wanted answers."

"How do I know you won't kill me?" Keqing asked.

"I'm not interested in doing so," Aether said simply. "Now, come."

Aether pulled up a chair on one side, poured himself some tea, and took a biscuit. Keqing sat opposite him, albeit reluctantly.

"So," Aether said easily, waving a biscuit around. "What would you like to ask?"

"Give me a minute," Keqing snapped. "It's been a hectic day so far."

"Take your time," Aether said.

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