Chapter 2

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"I would not do that if I were you..."

"Too slow..."

Keqing could only watch in horror as Ningguang was enveloped in golden light... Next was Ganyu... and then...

"Perhaps if you act on your instincts, you'll see me here tomorrow. Then I'll answer whatever you like. But for now, sleep."

"Sweet dreams..."

Keqing sat up straight in bed, sweating and panting. What on earth was that dream all about? She peeked out the window, and noticed the sky was still black. She glanced at the clock, and saw that the time was 4:45 in the morning. She would've woken in 15 minutes anyway, so she decided to try to remember what that dream was.

The reason this dream had piqued her curiosity was because she rarely dreamt. The only times she had ever dreamed was when she was young. Random, scattered dreams depicting nothing in particular.

Yet this one seemed too... specific. Why the Guizhong Ballista? Why the three main leaders of the Liyue Qixing? Why did they bring so many Milellith soldiers? And finally... What sort of power was that? Keqing had studied Visions for so long, yet she could not identify that strange power the figure used. What was his name...? Ah, right. Aether. No power in Teyvat was golden. He had also summoned Abyss Mages from a portal. He also mentioned something about a sister. What did that have to do with anything? Keqing groaned and grabbed her head.

She had so many questions, and no one could answer them. She highly doubted that the person in her dream existed, as he didn't dress like anyone from any nation, used a power unknown to mankind, and didn't have the aura of a criminal, or a bad person. Of course, that didn't mean he was a bad person, as a lot of bad people could put up a good natured surface.

Her clock started beeping, indicating that it was 5:00 in the morning and time to start the day. Grumbling to herself, she shut off the alarm clock and walked off to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She took a quick shower, letting the cool water flow over her body. She stepped out, and put her usual clothes on. As she stepped outside, her eyes flicked up and down the streets of Liyue, which were still dark and silent. She yawned quietly, and walked off to the office of the Liyue Qixing, with a slight feeling that something was amiss.

As she stepped near the door, the memory of the dream appeared in her mind again, and she stared blankly at the door, seeing, but not seeing. As if in a trance, she turned slowly, and looked at the streets again, and the only exit in and out of Liyue Harbor. As if they were ghosts, Milellith soldiers ran past, their bodies translucent. She saw herself, Ningguang, and Ganyu at the front of the large army. She could see Ningguang hold her hands up and her mouth move. Although no sound was physically there, the dream filled in the words.

"We leave at once!"

The Millelith raised their polearms and cheered. They ran over the rolling hills of Liyue, their figures getting smaller and smaller, with more and more following from the city.


She felt a hand on her shoulder, and like a candle being blown out, the Milellith soldiers all disappeared. She recoiled, and came face to face with a concerned Ganyu.

"Are you alright...?" she asked tentatively. "Are you sleepy? Oh, of course you are," she said suddenly. "I'm so sorry. Please get some more rest, I'll inform Lady Ningguang."

Keqing held her head and tried to remember. Where was she, yesterday? The events of the dream resurfaced even more vividly, and her mind flashed through the scenes of meeting in the workplace, the soldiers being defeated, the fight. The explosion, the figure named Aether.

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