"..the bitch Kel. Don't go blaming your friends for your own mistake! That's how you lose them! And I don't want you to go thr—" Rory came to a stop when he saw me.

"I know okay? And I didn't mean to soun—oofh!" Kelya bumped into his back, "What? Why'd you just, oh.."

I suppose I still had some alcohol in my system considering I didn't move away from the door, instead raising to my full height and smirking at them.

"What? See a ghost?" I cooed.

The two of them flinched and then glared, "No just your ugly ass face. Where're your manners? Get out so we can go in you bastmhfd!?"

I cut him off by slapping my hand over his mouth.

"What were you saying? I'm a what? Come on, what am I?" I growled as I slammed him into the doorframe.

"You freak! L-let him go! You're hurting him!" Kelya whined as she yanked at my arm.

Not letting him go I turned and glared directly into her eyes, "Shut up miss perfect. Stay out of this. Or you know, do what you do best, tattle away, miss perfect.."

With one last flinch and worried glance at Rory she bolted inside.

"Now, would you look at this, I'm out of the door. And you are inside, you're. Bloody. Welcome. Rodrique, lucky for you I was already leaving"

I grinned when he avoided my eyes.

"Good boy.." I whispered and let him go, watching in satisfaction as he sank down onto his knees from the shock.

I don't normally lose my cool, and he knows it's only when I'm drunk— Which I suppose is a very bad thing and I'm going to have to fix that.

God kill me before I become an angry drunk.

Suddenly guilty I turned around and walked to my car, there was only one place that would help me forget all of this.

And it was three hours away.

I felt my stomach clench as hunger rolled through my system in excruciating waves. But I just couldn't go inside after the stunt I'd just pulled.

And I knew I'd probably be at a hotel for a few days to escape the reality of it.



Not that I cared.


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