Chapter 12 - Forerunners

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"Your presence is required for an emergency meeting," JARVIS tells Loki not even two hours after Thor has left. Loki resists the urge to groan, because really? What could have gone wrong in the past two hours? A lot, apparently, if everyone in the Tower has been summoned. With a flick of his fingers, he teleports himself down to the common room, almost tempted to use his seidr to don his armor at the same time.

Unlike Thor, Loki has a firm preference for Asgardian clothing – or at least formal attire – whenever possible, so he's wearing his usual green and black as he appears. Stark and Rogers are there as would be expected – Banner is away as he has been since yesterday – but Loki's surprised to see Romanoff standing there too. All of them look uneasy, and he automatically checks to ensure he didn't do anything – pranks or otherwise – which could have gotten him in trouble, an automatic reflex triggered by all the mischief he's pulled throughout his life.

"Loki, we have a report of a small group of Chitauri in Washington D.C.," Rogers informs him seriously. "We don't know why they're there or what they're after, but we're going in. As of now, the four of us are the only Avengers able to investigate. We're leaving now."

The captain isn't even done talking before Loki's mind is racing through possibilities, donning his armor in preparation of a fight absentmindedly. "When Thor hears about this, he's going to very unhappy," Loki comments, smirking briefly as he follows the three outside to where a quinjet is waiting for them.

"I wish I could do that," Stark whispers too loudly to Romanoff, eyeing Loki's newly assembled armor, as they board the contraption.

Loki doesn't deign to respond as he seats himself inside, Rogers sitting next to him. Romanoff fires up the engine and flies the quinjet away towards their destination. He hasn't been to the nation's capital for a while, not that it matters. What matters is figuring out why the Chitauri are there. Honestly, Loki already has an idea or two.

"As the only one who knows something about the Chitauri, why do you think they're here?" Rogers asks as they fly. The engines hum irritatingly loudly, in Loki's opinion, but he tries not to let it bother him too much. It's harder than it sounds, especially since he's very much on edge right now.

"They could be searching for the Infinity Stones on Midgard," Loki says finally. "I do not know which ones are here other than the Mind Stone." He gives Rogers a look. "Would you happen to know where the scepter is?"

"Fury hasn't told us anything about it," Stark replies, frowning. "SHIELD was planning to study it, and I don't know where they took it. I told them it would be safest in a secure location, away from people, or in the Tower, but I don't think they actually listened. Maybe you should have been there to express the importance of protecting it." He shrugs slightly, and Loki can't help but feel gratified at the acknowledgement that he has a special way with words.

"Well, they could also be scouting for an invasion," Loki adds flatly. "It's not impossible that Thanos sent a fleet from where he was to Midgard. We only closed the portal on them. We never actually destroyed the millions of Chitauri at his disposal."

"Millions," Stark echoes, a note of horror entering his tone. "We were being overwhelmed when they were coming by the thousands."

Loki gives him a look. "Yes, and hence why I tried to work a failsafe into the portal. I had no intentions of conquering your realm. I did what I had to do to follow Thanos' plan; I couldn't fight him off, but I could plan." The expression on his face is probably nothing short of triumphant as he silently revels in his own craftiness at defying and outwitting the mad Titan who tortured and tried to break him.

"If they were trying to invade, where would they choose?" Rogers queries, a look of apprehension on his face.

Loki lets his mind drift to everything which he knows about Thanos, not that it's necessary, but he needs to be as accurate as possible. "A populated city," he answers at last, expression grave. "They want to strike fear, to make you kneel." His lips twist into a bitter smile as he remembers some of what he said and did before Thor stopped him. Much as he tries not to think about it, it's difficult. His actions might not have been his own, but they still torment him.

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