
Stiles was waiting outside the Beacon South Store's side entrance. It was getting on in the evening and he'd managed to wrangle being alone. This time it had required him to lie, telling Derek he was home with his dad and telling his dad Derek was coming over. Sooner or later they'd work out if they wanted him to be baby-sat constantly they'd have to keep tabs on each other too. Until then, Stiles used their naivety against them.

He'd racked up a few lies to accomplish being here, actually.

Lydia believed he was working on his mental health issues which included thanking the boy who'd helped him at the camp. Stiles asked her for assistance because his dad wouldn't help as he didn't agree with his idea. Lydia had been very understanding and supportive. She'd asked Jordan for the name of the place where Cue was doing community service. Thankfully, Parrish was so in love with Lydia and had done worse things than give out personal case information to the pack, that he hadn't even asked why she needed it.

Numerous staff of the South Store had already gone home in the two hours Stiles had been sitting on the hood of his jeep, and when the side door opened again he was happy to see a familiar slouching figure emerge and make his way towards the bus stop. Which was conveniently near where Stiles had parked.

Stiles slid off his jeep as Cue got close enough.

Cue looked up at the movement, got a look at Stiles, and turned to run in the opposite direction.

Cue wasn't as formidable without his gun. He whimpered as he was shoved into the back of the jeep. Stiles hopped in the front and locked both doors, then put his arm across the back of his seat.

"Hi there, Cue."

Cue turned a bit pale. Stiles smiled. It was probably not a very nice smile. As Cue swallowed and leant away from him, Stiles was betting it wasn't.

"Fancy seeing you here." Stiles tapped his fingers on his seat and tilted his head. "How's things?"

Cue eyed him, warily. "Your dad got me a job."

"I heard it was more community service, but po-tay-to, po-tah-to." Stiles smiled again.

Cue looked out the window at the darkened deserted carpark and watched as his bus drove past his stop.

"Hmmm," Stiles mused, "last bus of the evening. Looks like you're stuck for a ride. Need a lift?"

Cue deflated slightly, but held his chin at a defiant angle. Stiles was willing to bet if he could hear his heartbeat it would be running a lot faster than he was letting on. Stiles was intimate with that game.

"What do you want?" Cue finally asked.

"Lots of things. An end to world hunger being one of the biggest, but let's focus on how we can help you."

"I don't need help."

"Yeah, Cue, you do. You're in a spot of bother."

"Are you going to kill me? Your dad said you didn't eat faces! And I haven't told anyone about you!"

"I appreciate that, I do. And I'm not going to eat your face. That's disgusting."

"Then what do you want?"

"Uh uhh, remember, this is about helping you."

Cue rolled his eyes. "How are you going to help me?"

"I'm going to save your life."

Cue blinked. "Save my —"

"Life. The thing that is the most important to us all, really. Allows you to go about the world in a not-dead state. And take it from me: being dead? Not so great."

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