Y/n Vs Esdeath

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He turned and saw Esdeath behind him. This greatly intrigued him, his battle instincts and senses were sharper than his own sword, he had no idea how she managed to sneak up behind him but his battle became all the more interesting.

(With Everyone else)

The rest of Night Raid was having trouble against Kurome's S-Class danger beast the Death Tagool, wondering that if letting Y/n fighting Esdeath was the better idea instead of having him here to fend off against the deadly danger beast.

Susanoo however dealt with the gigantic skeleton as everyone else had their own opponents. Akame was going to deal with her sister, but Tatsumi saw she wasn't acting like herself and quickly snapped her out of it as she went to deal with Bols.

Mine was in a gunfight with a gunslinger named Doya from Kurome's collection of dead puppets, Tatsumi was dealing with an apeman, and Hunter who was a former survivor from a savage tribe having to deal with his speed and acrobatics while dealing with the Apeman's speed and strength.

Leone was dealing with Rokugou who was a Former General of the Empire as he didn't possess an Imperial Arms but a whip that he was very skilled with as he sent the blonde into a wall of rocks with small scratches that healed.

"Alright, you've successfully pissed me off." Leone savagely grinned, almost as if mimicking Y/n's sadistic predatory grin when he would let loose. Leone wouldn't admit it but she knew that some of Y/n's personality rubbed off on her, such as while she may have love fighting before, after meeting Y/n and sparring with him her love for fighting greatly increased.

Chelsea was hidden away in the forest as was Lubbock was setting up traps while Chelsea was waiting for an opportunity to show herself.

Kisuke chose to stay back at the base, it surprised almost everyone except for Y/n and Najenda. They knew that hardly involved himself, unless necessary, they were even expecting him to be nearby one of their battles in case things went south.

Tatsumi was having a very hard time against Kurome's puppets. They attacked in perfect synchronization, the dead tribe member would distract Tatsumi with an attack while dodging his own allowing the apeman to capitalize on Tatsumi's distraction striking him with its inhuman strength.

He summoned his spear as he started fending off the tribe member who aimed for his head which was thankfully blocked by his armor as the apeman bit into his arm which was protected by his armor as he punched him away. He was really wishing that Y/n was here to help him or kill Kurome. Sadly, Y/n was dealing with Esdeath, which was a far greater opponent than the two he was facing so he was silently grateful that they weren't fighting her.

Leone was having a hard time getting past the former General's Whip. She vanished from the corpse's sight appearing next to him and before the whip could hit her she vanished and appeared on the rocks and bounced off it scratching for the man's throat only for him to jump back but still getting nicked.

Leone didn't falter as she bounced off the wall again as she took his left arm with a grin on her face throwing the appendage to the ground and she would've done it again but the whip started striking her body as she struggled to block it until she grabbed the whip and before she could do anything Najenda came in a punched the former General the chest.

"Leone I shall handle him, as a former college and friend it's my duty so I will try and kill him as quickly as possible." Najenda explained her interference as Leone seemed amazed not being able to remember when she was actually in battle.

Leone nodded but before she could move, Kurome had jumped from her spot and severed Leone's arm. She chuckled, explaining that when people leave openings she would always take them.

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