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It was a normal morning for the four Marauders. They had gotten up with bright beaming smiles on their faces, well maybe not all of them. Remus had been quite moody seeing as the full moon was coming up. Sirius had been excited for reasons unknown but if we take the appreciative look he gave Remus then maybe those 'unknown' reasons are better staying unknown. Peter woke up happy for the feast, and James well James was just over the moon that he got to see his Lily-flower today. 

As they made their way to the great hall with the utmost swag one could muster, they took their seats at the top of the Gryffindor table. That part of the table had been theirs since 2nd year after they promptly pranked the seventh years out of it claiming their dominance as Sirius would say. 

James eyes lightened up remarkably as he saw his Lily-flower sitting a few spots opposite him.

"Lily-flower, you look fine this morning!" He exclaimed over dramatically making Sirius snicker behind his hand before promptly getting elbowed in the stomach but a pissed off werewolf.

Lily rolled her eyes and turned away from James.

Now James would never admit it to anyone but he was dare I say hurt. Lily had been turning down his confessions of love, returning them with horrid words. Now maybe the ways James had come about their non-existent or yet to be as he would say relationship had been wrong, but that was James love language. He didn't know how to be subtle. A horrible yet adorable fault he had picked up from the male side of the Potter family.

Before he could pester her any more a blinding white light came upon them from the ceiling. Popping out what looked to be the Black family (including the disowned daughter of the Black's and her family), the Potters, and 9 teenagers. One who looked remarkably like James, with whose eyes they couldn't tell you.

Immediately wands were raised to the teens who were a mess of tangled limbs and 'owws'. 

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Dumbledore asked calmly...okay he more like shouted but you get the point.

A young girl about 17 stepped up.

"Hello, I'm Hermione Granger and we have come from the future bearing several movies for you to watch. In light of these events we hope you will take further precautions and make sure this won't happen in the future." She sent a pointed almost scathing look towards Dumbledore which made many confused, amused or straight up determined. For what you may ask, well Hermione didn't know.

"Very well my dear girl, why don't you all introduce yourselves and we can move on!"He answered eyes twinkling more then ever.

The boy who looked identical to James which Remus had concluded to be his son spoke first.

"My name is Harry Potter, I'm 19 and a Gryffindor. My father is James Potter, and my former womb donor was Lily Evans."

James was over the moon before everyone had realised what he had said. What had Lily Evans done that had made her own flesh and blood or former as he claimed hate her so? Lily looked to be on the verge of tears. Head cast down, receiving comforting and wary looks. As Harry had been ushered between Euphemia and Fleamont who were already fussing over him much to Harry's amusement. A loud bang had caused everyone to turn their head towards the great halls doors which were now wide open revealing a man and a women.

"Why have I been summoned!?"

His voice boomed across the hall demanding answers.

Before anyone can answer the women next to him slapped his chest playfully with an amused look on her face.

"Enough of the Poseidon your scaring the children."

Everyone stilled at the name.

The God of the seas was Hogwarts.

The only though going through everyone's mind was 'How?' well everyone except for one Hermione Granger who was sending him a look of pure utter hatred much to his dismay he felt terrified.

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