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RICKYS POV- February 17th

"I can't believe you're leaving already," I say to Nini as we FaceTime while I'm getting ready for school.

"I know. And I'm sorry this weekend hasn't gone as we'd planned." She replies.

Through Nini's mom getting hurt ice skating and a bunch of other mishaps, we barely got to see each other at all the entire time she's been home.

"It's okay. I just wish u could be there to see you off, but you know..."

"Yeah. School, rehearsals, I get it. Listen, Ricky, with this long distance thing... if you ever feel sad or anything, we can talk about it. I don't want you to have to keep putting on a smile for me."

"It's okay, really," I say, although it didn't feel right coming out. "I got to go, school starts soon. Love you."

"Love you too."


"Okay people!" Miss Jen claps her hands. "We have two hours until the storm hits. Let's use this time to work on the blocking for Be Our Guest."

I hear a loud exhale of air from behind me. I turn around and see it was Elizabeth.

You good? I mouth to her.

She glances down a bit. Fine.

Okay then.

"Well, I think we should have a little feather duster section that goes like this—" Gina starts.

"Actually," Carlos says, cutting her off, "I, the choreographer, was thinking Lumiere would lead the number."

"Well you, the choreographer, asked me to be the co-choreographer." Gina says in annoyance.

"Yeah." Says Carlos, "co."

"Okay, okay!" Says Miss Jen trying to stop the argument. "Let's just... brush up on Gaston. EJ, Red, to the front please."

Big Red stands up, but EJ was missing.

"Okay, can someone please tell him that rehearsals are mandatory, next time they see him?"

Everyone nods. Suddenly Kourtney shrieks. "Nini!"

And there she was, smiling that big beautiful smile standing right in the doorway.

I was so happy to see her. Maybe she decided not to go back to YAC after all?

"Sorry to interrupt... but I just wanted to see everyone one last time before I left, so I scheduled a later bus. One more group hug?"

Oh. She's still leaving.

I hate that she's gonna be gone, all the way in Denver, and she says we can talk about it but... no. I don't want her to feel like I'm holding her back from going and following her dreams.

Miss Jen laughs. "Hugs all around!"

After the crowd thins out, Nini and I sneak off into the hallway.

"Had to give you this." She says, kissing me.

After a moment, I pull away. "Wow. That should last me until the month of March."

We both laugh, and her phone buzzes. "Ugh. It's my driver. Just cancelled because of the snow... and the next one is twenty minutes away. Watch me literally not make it back to school."

"I can take you!" I say quickly. It would be perfect! I'd get to spend more time with her before she goes back. "Yeah, I could grab Big Red's car and we'd totally make it if we left in the next ten min—"

"Don't be silly, Ricky." I look up to see Miss Jen staring at us. Elizabeth was next to her, but she seemed distant, distracted. "You have to be here for rehearsals. I'll drive you, Nini."

"Um, okay, that works. Thanks Miss Jen."

"Can I come?" Ellie asks suddenly. "It's not like I was even doing anything anyways—"

"Ah ah ah, rehearsals are mandatory for everyone."

Ellie nods. "Right." And walks off.

I give Nini one last hug and kiss before they leave, Miss Jen leaving Ashlyn in charge and putting in the order that the Be Our Guest dilemma needs to be solved by the time she's back.

After rehearsing for a little bit, the lights all suddenly shut off.

"Um, that's weird..." says Carlos, holding up his phone flashlight. We follow him into the hallway. "Hello? He-lloooo?" He glances at us. "I think all the other after school clubs went home."

"Uh, yeah," says Gina suddenly. "Look outside!"

I turn my eyes toward the window, and the snowing had picked up and was coming down really hard. It looked like a blizzard out there.

"The roads are closed," says Seb, reading something off his phone. "It says the snow went up half a foot in half an hour."

"Well, I guess that gives us time to decide about the Be Our Guest Choreo." Says Carlos. Him and Gina immediately start arguing again.

Rolling my eyes in annoyance, I leave and go back to the bomb shelter, everyone else following.

We sit there in the dark, just talking and playing charades, while we wait for Gina and Carlos.

"God, what's taking them so long?" Ellie complains.

"Well, you know how they are." Ashlyn tries to reason.

"This is stupid. I'm going home." Ellie stands up, gathering her things, and starts toward the door.

"Wait!" I call after her. "The roads are closed. How do you expect to get home?"

"I'm sure there's a back way I can go. I don't care if I have to break through the road blockers or whatever. It's better than just waiting around here doing nothing."

"It's not safe though," says Big Red. "You wouldn't even be able to see."

"Yeah. No way you're leaving." I say.

"Stop trying to tell me what to do," she argues. "I'm tired of you all always telling me what to do."

"You know he's right, Liz," Ashlyn says.

"Yeah," Red agrees. "And that was kind of a loaded statement. What're you trying to say?"

She stared at everyone for a second, then shakes her head, walking away and pushing the door open. "Whatever. Nothing."


"I'm not gonna leave!" She yells at me. "I just need to be.... Alone, for a minute." And with that, she's gone.

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