Another Spartan's trash is Another Pirate's Treasure

Start from the beginning

"Put them through."

"Uh...hello. Is someone there? If you are looking for taking this scrap for yourself, forget about it. I've been hired to take everything. Now, if your looking for business, Hondo Ohnaka is at your service."

"Hondo. A pirate wanted by multiple factions and even the Separatist." Cortana says. "Somehow held Generals Skywalker and Kenobi and even Count Dooku... at the same time."

Chief looks over at the AI, "Would anyone care if he is taken out?"


"Can we use the MAC gun?"

Cortana laughs, "I know what you're thinking Chief. Round is already loaded, but the ship is drifting."

"Is anyone there? Am I talking to someone or am I talking to a ghost of the ship."

"Luckily, one of them is about to go right over the barrel."

"We see the ship has power again. We also know you picked up the call."

"Fire when ready." Chief commanded.

"Ok this is getting annoying. Time is credits and right now we are wasting time."

"Just a bit more."

"We'll just check inside to see if anything is in there again."


The MAC gun fired and went right through the pirate ship. Blew a hole right threw and continued flying through space. "Nice one. Now let's get the other two. One of them seems to want to board us."
Hondo stood up surprised, "What just happened? What did that ship just do?"

A crew member checked his console. "We don't know sir. I don't think that's a ship. I think it's a giant slug thrower."

Hondo took a moment to think about that, "A slug thrower able to destroy ships. If we turn that into a ship, imagine the profit from it."

"Your Lieutenant is boarding it now."

"Well? Put it on screen. I want to see what's in there."
Holograms of the ships boarding party is shown. Hondo sits back in his captain chair and pulls out a drink for himself. He sees his men blow open another door but the feed cuts out, "What's going on?"

"Sorry boss. Having difficulties with the cameras."

"Well get them back. We're missing all the action." As soon as he got done saying that it comes back to the boarding crew dead with blood leaving their corpses. "Uh...that's not our fault, I presume." The crewmate switches to other cameras to see the crew of the ship taking fire from a mech. "What is that thing? It's ripping through my men. Get to them before they're all dead." Hondo yells out in anger. The crew moves them to the boarded ship with the holograms showing more of the crew being killed. "I want his head!" Hondo shouted before he sees the final man being choked slammed and then beaten to death by just a few punches. His face was caved in and his blood was on the mech's hand. The feed cuts out. "That's it. Well make a profit with that things armor."

"Sir, it's hailing us."

"Put him through. I want to talk to this scum myself.  The hologram of the mech comes through, "How dare you interrupt my business and kill my men. What's is the meaning of this?"

"You killed good men as well." It said with no emotion. "How many other ships have you boarded and killed everyone on board?"

Hondo scratches his chin as he thinks, "Uh...a lot actually. How everyone I think. But so what. It was just simple business, or at least it was until you showed up you mech."

"I am Spartan 117. I am a soldier of the UNSC. I will protect Earth and her colonies and anything for her. That includes these ships you tried to take and the men you killed."

"Uh,Sir? Isn't that the mercenary working for the Republic?"

Hondo realized who it actually was. He signals his crew to get out of there with slight hand movements. "Well, I am sorry for your loss. How about this, we can make a deal. I am a man that can make a man like you retire in the next few weeks if you work with me." He nervously laughs as his ship starts to leave the area. He signals them to hurry up. "So all I will need from you is to just stay there and I will get your payment."
"How much longer?"

"They'll be gone before the weapons kill them, even if we fire now." Cortana says, "I'm sorry Chief."

The feed cuts as the pirate ship hyperspaces out. Chief looks out the window where he was looking at the ship. "It's fine. Let's just get what we came for and get out of here."

"Alright Chief. I've already set a marker down so all we need to do is just get whatever we want and head back to Republic space."

Chief understands and goes back to the Amber Clad.
"You trusted pirates to take him down?"

"No my master. I was merely distracting him. He won't be able to get back in time before our attack on Kamino."

"For your sake, I hope you're right."

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