Do I really need to go with this?

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Seojun was shaken back to reality when Jookyung tapped his shoulder. His lips turn up when he sees her. Jookyung, meanwhile is being clingy, which means that she most definitely wants him to buy something for her. 

"Yes, I will buy you whatever you want me to buy. Now, please. Get off, you're messing up my tie." She gives a huge grin, and Seojun rolls his eyes. She really was like a kid, and he understood why Suho liked her so much.

"Thank you Seojunie~ I want some banana milk from the convenience store, Do you thinking you can get it for me, then drop it off on your way home? I have to run and meet someone beforehand, so I won't have time before my mother expects me home..You know how she gets." Jookyung gave him a completely unneeded pleading expression. 

"Alright, fine. I already said yes, didn't I? I wouldn't go back on my word. Now get off of me, seriously, Suho is going to-" And, lo and behold, as soon as he finished his sentence, he spotted Suho glaring at him from the doorway to their classroom. Seojun, of course, separated himself from Jookyung, but Suho was already raging. He dragged Seojun out of the classroom and to the men's bathroom. Seojun didn't understand why he couldn't have just gone to the hallway, but when Suho had him by the collar, it was pretty hard to argue. 

"What were you just doing with Jookyung?" Suho rounded on him as soon as the door closed. Seojun was really trying hard not to lose his cool and get annoyed with him, but Suho was making that quite difficult. 

"What do you mean, what was I just doing? She was the one who was asking me to buy her something, so what's the deal with you?" Seojun muttered. Suho really was denser than a rock. 

Then Suho got physical. He shoved Seojun backwards. This was one of the rare moments that Suho ended up losing his cool (although those seemed to happen the most when Seojun was around.)

 "Stop with your bullshit! Just admit it! You're trying to drive us apart so you can take her from me." 

That was when Seojun got annoyed. Who was he to make all those assumptions about Seojun? Why would he ever try to break them up? But he was feeling petty, so he decided to get a rise out of him.

"And what if I was?!" Seojun snapped. Suho was silent for all of three seconds before he started up again.

"Why?! You like her don't you?!" Seojun has to fight the urge to laugh at that. Sure, he liked Jookyung as a friend. She was nice enough. But she wasn't Seojun's style in the first place. If he was really delousional, he'd think that Suho actually liked him. But this wasn't that kind of event. 

"Suho that's not what I was trying to-" Suho doesn't let him speak. He's practically fuming. 

"I knew it! That's why you're always buying things for her and smiling at her!" Seojun's own temper had reached it's limits. Seojun knew that Suho was an idiot. That much he knew. But just how much of an idiot Suho could be came as a surprise. 

"Look, you dumbass. I don't like her! And if I was trying to drive you apart it'd be because I like you!" Seojun's brain didn't process what he was doing until he'd already smashed their lips together. When his mind finally caught up with his body, his stomach dropped. Seojun stumbled over his feet trying to get away as quickly as possible.

"What- What the hell was that?" His hand comes up and touches the lips that Seojun had just kissed and all he could think was

No, no, no. This is not how this was supposed to go!

"Nothing. Let's..not talk about this. Or tell anyone. Let's- Let's not talk at all, actually. I- I need to go." Seojun shoved past him, trying hard to regulate his breaths as he ran. He had no idea where he was going, or even where he was when he finally collapsed next to a fence-post. 

It felt like forever. Seojun doesn't really know he much time he spends sitting there, heaving in lungfuls of air that hurt to exhale. 

Then he remembers the promise he made. Jookyung would be sorely displeased that he broke it, and with everything that just happened, he didn't want to make it worse. 

So, he makes the walk to the convenience store, talking to himself in a low voice as he made his way down the long, winding aisles. "It will be fine. I just have to give this banana milk to her and get home. Nothing complicated about that." He managed to make the walk to her house without chickening out. 

Now, to give it to her. He raised his fist, 

and knocked.

Chapter 2 is out~ the lengths will vary since this is a project I've been working on in my free time, and it all depends on how much writing creativity I have left that day!

Thanks for reading this I love you all! Love, Hero.

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