Something frustrating.

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For all the talk that Lee Suho was a prodigy..Seojun never expected him to be this dense. 

Seojun's whole heart went into despising the boy, but at the same time, his heart still beat just a little faster every time he saw Suho smile. What he didn't understand, however, was how Suho was adamant that Seojun was trying to get with Jookyung, when everything he'd ever done was for him.

 His situation really wasn't ideal in the slightest, and the worst part was he had to be okay with that for Suho to be happy with his girlfriend.  He looked happy with her, so Seojun supposed he was succeeding..but it did still hurt that it wasn't him. 

Suho was perfect, there was no denying that. His cool attitude and shy, pretty smile that only seemed to show once in a blue moon. But he was still Suho. They'd known each other for so long, so Seojun's heart was a traitor for making him grow feelings for him only now, when he was already happy with someone else. 

It hurt Seojun more than he cared to admit, but it was even more tragic as he realized Suho didn't know, and even if he did know, he wouldn't care at all. Seojun must have done something terrible in a past life to deserve this kind of suffering. 

Seojun lashed out at Suho more often than not, when all he really wanted from the boy was to be cared for. He wanted to be cared for like how Suho cared for Lim Jookyung. He was, of course, trying his best to be happy for them. For Suho, who was the one he loved, despite not wanting to, and for Jookyung, who was like his younger sister and best friend at the same time. I

t was a hard job. A terribly hard job.

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