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"We need one last fighter since that blob isn't gonna enter!" Beerus said freaking out.

"And we only have two hours left," Shin said he too freaking out.

"We're doomed," Elder Kai said.

"Why are the best fighters only here on Earth!" Beerus shouted.

"Bulma.... Why don't you fill in for the last spot. You have hidden power. Str--" Whis was cut off.

"I cannot Whis. I won't participate on a tournament that will lead to the universes destruction. I cre-- I just can't bare all those people to perish," Bulma said sighing.

"Wait Destruction?!" Picollo asked.

"Yes. Didn't Goku tell you?"

"He didn't tell any of us," Tien said.

"Well anyway he did help. If it wasn't for this tournament this universe would be already a goner. The Omni king destroys with anger and grief. While this one known as Zeno destroys with fun and boredom," Bulma said running a hand through her hair.

"What do you mean grief and anger? I've never seen Grand Zeno like that," Whis said frowning.

"This Zeno of yours in not the king. I don't know what he is or who he is. When I sensed his energy in the future, he was not Omni"

"You talk nonsense woman. There's no such thing. You're just a human you cannot sense power of the Gods!" Beerus shouted and Bulma sighed. Whis and Shin were thinking of this. If its true or not.

"Whatever you say. One thing I know is that I'm not joining this tournament. But I'll go with you to make sure nothing too destructive happens"

"Again Ms Bulma.... What are you?"

"Whis. I'm a being you don't need to know existed. But I can't hide forever...."

"I don't really understand what's going on," Picollo said.

"Me either," Tien also.

Time Skip
Null Realm

The Deities were in their stands with Bulma. Yamcha also appeared in universe 7 with a bit of a frown. The Gods and Angel were confused seeing him. And the others of the other universes didn't understand why the two were there.

"Yamcha? Why are you here?" Bulma asked.

"To make sure my Queen is safe with all the Gods here," he said. "But I'm not too happy to witness half of a multiverse destroyed.... Again"

"Yeah me too"

"I'm too stressed to comment on this," Beerus said before Mr Popo appeared. With that appearance Bulma and Yamcha both yelped and teleported behind the others.

"Mr Popo.... You're here also," Shin said confused.

"I guess mortals can now come here whenever they want. While we Gods need assistance," Beerus said and sighed. "And why are you so afraid?"

"S-sir! Shouldn't --" Yamcha got cut off.

"I wasn't invited," Popo replied with a neutral tone.

"O-oh, maybe they forgot sir," Bulma said nervously. What's up with them. That's what Whis wondered.

"Maybe or maybe not"


"The tournament is about to start. The Grand Minister is about to say something," Shin said and all eyes went to the Grand Minister.

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