Chapter 7 - Science Rules

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Hey everyone! Did ya miss me? After months of not consuming Genshin Impact content, I came back! Mostly bc of the Inazuma update, but still! Have you all played it yet? If so, what do you think?

Also, I'm **REALLY** excited to start introducing Liyue AND Inazuma characters, so keep an eye out for them! If I stick to my current plan, they should be introduced in about 2-4 ish chapters? I'm trying to walk you through your entire schedule first before we jump more in depth to the actual story.  

Also if you don't get the reference of the title ur dead to me (/j)

Slowly, you stood from your seat. Everyone was milling about the classroom, looking for their assigned partners. Albedo and Sucrose hadn't moved from their seats. They were scribbling away in their notebooks, not seeming to care about what was being said. You noticed that they seemed to be muttering to one another.

"Um, hey?" You managed. Curse your awkwardness. Both pairs of eyes looked up from what they were doing to meet yours.

"Ah. You must be Y/n." Albedo spoke. His voice was softer than you had imagined it would be. You realized that even though he didn't seem to be paying attention to the teacher, he must have been if he knew your name. 

"Yeah... that's me!" You gave him a smile. Sucrose let out a small laugh. 

"Y/n is such a pretty name... it will be nice to work with you!" Her voice was quiet and almost shaky. You wondered if it was just because you were new, or if she talked like that with everyone. 

"Well, let's get to work, shall we? Nobody wants to stay after class for a simple experiment." 

You learned very quickly that chemistry was Albedo's strongsuit. He took every step very seriously and didn't waste a single second. Every now and then he would jot something down in his notebook, and you wondered what sort of science secrets resided within. Sucrose stood by and fetched materials anytime Albedo requested for her to. 

"Isn't he amazing?" You heard her whisper next to you. You nodded. The way Albedo moved so swiftly and without a single misstep truly left you in awe. 

"Ah- but, you're impressive too Sucrose! Albedo couldn't do all of this without your help. You have a great understanding of science too!" 

Her cheeks turned pink at your compliments. "T-Thanks Y/n." 

The experiment went off without a hitch. Turns out, the three of you made quite the team. 

"Y/n." You heard a soft voice next to you. Turning your head slightly, you realized it was Albedo. He hadn't really spoken much while you worked, so you still had to get used to his voice.

"Yes, Albedo?"

"Here." He held out a slip of paper. "You're a rather interesting person... and Sucrose and I would like it if you came to perform some personal experiments with us in the lab."

"Personal experiments?" You asked, taking the paper from him.

He nodded. "Chemistry is a passion of ours. We take it upon ourselves to do our own experiments to discover the truths of this world."

"I see... well, it sounds fun! I would love to come work with you two again."

Maybe you were just seeing things, but you could've sworn you saw Albedo's cheeks turn pink.

"Psst!" You turned to see Lumine waving you over to her. Confused, you walked to where she tood with Aether and Amber.

"What did Albedo give you?" She whispered. Curious to see yourself, you unfolded the slip of paper to see two phone numbers written down on it, each one labeled with a name.

"Oh, it looks like he gave me his number. And Sucrose, too."

"No way!" Amber whisper-shouted. "Y/n, that's amazing!"

You tilted your head to one side. "Huh?"

"Albedo hardly ever talks to anyone," Aether explained. "He says he only wants to be around people he finds 'interesting'... whatever that means."

"Albedo's such a mystery," Amber continued. "Even though he doesn't talk to a lot of people, he's still an important member of the student council."

"Really?" You asked. Part of you found it hard to believe.

"Yeah! He's always helping out when things get hard. I think he'd rather be spending his time in the lab, though." Amber said with a sigh.

"We should probably get to our next class," Aether interjected. "After all, the bell already rang."

Your next class was art. To your surprise, you recognized almost everyone in this class. In one corner the chess club's president Diluc was humming to himself while he carefully painted on a canvas.

Sitting on a long table in front of you was Bennett. On one side of him was a boy with strikingly red eyes and messy hair. You couldn't tell if he was glaring at you or simply taking in your appearance. On the other side of Bennett was a girl with beautiful blonde hair and an eyepatch on. You were starting to wonder if eyepatches were a fashion statement of sorts.

Sitting alone at another long table was none other than the chemistry whiz, Albedo. He had a sketchbook set out on the table in front of him. Every now and then he would make a face at what he was drawing, as if it wasn't good enough for him.

You snapped out of your thoughts when the bell rang and you realized you needed to take a seat. You felt a slight panic as you weren't sure who to sit with. Diluc and Albedo hadn't noticed your presence, but as you scanned the room once more you realized Bennett was waving you over to him. You sat across from the three, awkwardly pulling out a notebook as they stared at you.

"Razor, Fischl, this is Y/n! The girl in my study hall that I was telling you about. She's totally awesome!"

You lifted a hand and waved.

"Pretty." The one with the messy hair said. "Pretty girl, I am Razor."

You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but something about him reminded you of a dog.

"I am Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung. Are you also a traveller from another world?"

You were unsure of how to answer. "Uh, no?"

"Hm, I shall allow you to accompany me anyway, for your honesty is most appealing."

"What she means is 'hello.'" You heard another voice. You weren't sure how you hadn't noticed before, but a large bird sat on Fischl's shoulder. That was where the voice came from.

"A talking bird?" You nearly shouted.

"My name is Oz," the bird responded.

You pretended this wasn't the weirdest thing you had ever witnessed in your life, and decided to start working on your art project. Throughout the period you and the others at your table would make small talk.

The four of you exchanged numbers and Bennett invited you once again to join them for D&D. You told him you'd consider it after you learned more about it.

After art ended, you slung your backpack over your shoulder and headed off to lunch.

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